chapter 13

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Happy drove over to the hospital to collect Aria the next day with Loki. On the way back to the compound, Aria realised they weren't going back to Georgia.

Why aren't we going home? She asked.

"We can't" He answered. "Amora is still out there. Everyone is still looking for her. Having you at the compound will be easier to protect you. Plus, you cant go looking alone, if we are their"

Aria sighed loudly, trying not to look too frustrated about this.

"Will you be collecting our children? Only Ive missed them"

Again, Loki shook his head.

"They are safer in Asgard. You said it yourself"

Aria clenched her jaw, feeling angry.

"Well, we can go up and visit. Surely. You know how I hate being from them" She eventually said.

"Maybe Loki said. Lets see what the team has come up with. Everyone is excited to have you back. They were extremely worried"

They walked into the room, finding them all waiting. Aria smiled a little, as they all greeted her, telling her how they missed her. But after ten minutes, she turned to Loki, telling him she was exhausted and wanted to go and lie down for a while.

Loki glanced around, seeing everyones confusion, knowing this was not like Aria at all.

"Come on" Loki said, indicating for her to follow him.

Aria sat herself down on the bed, hoping Loki was going to join her. But he headed for the door.

"Arent you staying?" She quickly asked.

"I need to go and help everyone"

Aria got up, walking over, closing the door and then pressing herself against him.

"I thought since we are alone. We could. Enjoy it"

Loki though, pushed back a little.

"You should rest. Ill just be in the lounge" And he quickly left the room.

Amora almost growled, realising something had happened between Aria and Loki recently and she had missed it.

She needed to know.

Amora swung her arm around, about to use her magic, to go back to Aria and find out. But her hand caught the lamp, knocking it over, smashing it. She knew it would be heard. So, quickly, she leaned on the unit, as if she had just had one of her visions.

As the door opened, Amora hissed, like she was seeing something.

Loki went to her side.

"What is it?" He asked, as Aria slowly stood up, a panicked look on her face.

"It was Asgard. Loki, its under attack by an army. We need to get up there" She said.

"Ill be right back. Let me tell Thor" And he rushed out of the door again.

Aria smiled, as she walked around the room for a few minutes.

"Loki came back in."

"Lets go" She said, ready to leave.

But he stopped her.

"Its okay. Thor is going up"

Aria looked mortified, shaking her head.

"No Loki. We should go with him. They need our help. Its our home" She insisted, pushing by him and hurrying outside.

She looked at the ground, finding Thor had already left, the marks on the ground freshly made from the Bifrost.

"Aria, youre not strong enough anyway. You should be resting" Loki said, watching as she looked around.

She eventually crossed the grass back to where Loki was standing. He could see she was annoyed, a little angry.

"No, we have to go. Now" She grabbed the front of his shirt. "Loki, take me up there to see my children, they are not safe"

Slowly the whole team of the Avengers came out of the building. Loki had told them of his suspicions. He pulled free from her grip, steeping back from her.

"Why dont you just go up there yourself Aria?" Loki asked.

Aria stood there, looking around at everyone, confused at what Loki was asking of her.

"What are you talking about?" She quickly asked.

"I said. Why dont you just go up. Use the Bifrost. You dont need me, or Heimdall for that. Go"

Aria stood there breathing hard and fast.

"Or didnt my wife give you that little detail" Loki replied. "Amora"

In one motion, they all flashed green, revealing everyone in their battle gear. Loki had been using his magic to hide it. And they all fanned out around her.

Aria tried to back up, to move away from them.

"What are you all doing?" She asked, trying to appear calm.

"Give it up Amora" Loki demanded, pulling out his knives.

"Stop this Loki, its me. Its Aria" She pleaded.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now