chapter 5

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That evening, Aria stood to the side of the room, watching everyone around her enjoy themselves. She had socialised, met Thor's girlfriend, Jane, watched the speeches, gifts, and dancing. She stayed to the side, keeping a clear head and watching for anything out of the ordinary.

Steve walked over to her.

"You need to relax. You look as if you don't wanna be here" He said.

"I cant Steve. I just know something is going to happen" She replied.

"Come, dance with me. Just allow yourself to enjoy the evening. And I don't care if your husband is over there watching. Please. I just need to see you smile"

Aria glanced up at him, about to refuse, but she can feel he wouldn't let her. She holds out her hand, letting Steve escort her to the dance floor, as the song changes to a slow number that Aria instantly recognised.

This song was called, Its Been A Long, Long Time.

Aria knew it by heart as they had danced to it before, when they had briefly dated. She glanced up at him, wondering if he had planned this. Smiling as she glanced through her eyelashes.

Steve put his arm around her waist, holding one hand in his, as she leaned on his chest, swaying slowly to the music. Getting lost in the music, feeling herself begin to relax and enjoy the evening.

Wondering if maybe nothing would happen.

When the woman started singing the lyrics, Aria sang along with her. Shocking Steve that she knew the words and that she could sing perfectly.

The song ended, changing to something else. Steve and Aria walked off to one side, where he handed over a bottle of water to her.

"Since when could you sing?" He asked, leaning on the bar.

Aria laughed, but shrugged her shoulders.

"I only sing the ones that are my favourite"

He glanced at her, feeling that pull towards her again. Steve found himself slowly leaning closer, forgetting the room was filled with people.

"Mother. I would like a word with you"

Aria pulled back from Steve, gasping as she realised what was happening. She looked over at her daughter standing there, smiling back at her.

"Of course" Aria said.

"In private" Athena grumbled.

Steve quietly excused himself.

"What do you think youre doing Mom?"


"You, flirting with Uncle Steve? In front of Dad"

Aria scoffed, she couldnt believe what her daughter just asked.

"How come you never yell at him Athena, for what he has done to me? For cheating?"

"Maybe because he isnt actually cheating on you Mom" Athena blurted out.

Aria stared at her, confused.

"He is going through all of this, trying to protect you from her. Hes known about Amora coming for you, for a while now. Me and Grandmother both saw it happen and what she causes. We were all just trying to protect you. Dad thought if it looked like you had left him, she wouldnt hurt you"

Aria stood there, feeling this was the truth from her daughter. It was like the room had fallen silent. They were all waiting to hear her reply. She looked around, seeing them all talking and singing, dancing still. Then her eyes landed on Loki, standing on the other side of the room, with his brother.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now