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Aria and Loki had been living in Westview now for almost a year now. They had taken over the house that Amora had been using. Acting as if they were a newly wed couple, moving into there first house. Painting and decorating it to there taste. Odin still hadn't come for them, causing tension to run high in the house.

After a few months, Aria had been in contact with everyone letting them know they were safe. Still not telling them where they were living, and not visiting as often as she would like.

They started off perfectly, there relationship was like how it used to be, fun, exciting and in love, but eventually, with the worry of not seeing there family, not doing very much from fear of someone finding them, Aria and Loki soon began arguing over everything little thing.

To everyone around them, they seemed like the perfect couple, happy and in love. With many of the neighbours often asking them things like, will you be starting a family soon?

But behind closed doors, they were becoming more estranged with each other. Loki would find more excuses to go for long walks, or visit his brother, leaving Aria to stay at home, thinking and wondering about everything that had happened. Causing her to question if she really wanted to be with Loki anymore?

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now