chapter 4

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It had been almost a month later. Tony had finally got around to asking Pepper to marry him, and she accepted. They were holding a party to celebrate the happy news. Aria had contacted Loki, insisting that the children be there for the party, since everyone had been asking for them.

To begin with, Loki disagreed with the whole thing, with no reasons for his answer. But after she had begged, he finally agreed.

Those few days leading up to the Saturday, Arias mood lifted, causing everyone to notice the difference.

That morning, Aria could feel they would been arriving shortly, this caused her to pace around outside where the cars were parked. Hearing the sound of the Bifrost, caused her to turn as it landed.

Realising that he had gone back up to Asgard, with the children. Wondering if that had been where his mistress lived.

The Bifrost cleared, leaving her children standing on the grass beside there father, and Thor. When they saw there mother, they ran over to her.

"Mother" Athena said. "How have you been?"

"Fine sweetheart. What about you?"

"I'm okay" She smiled.

Aria looked into her eyes, thinking there was a slight sparkle there. She turned her attention to Jack.

"Are you okay?" She whispered.

"Yes Mom" He whispered back. "When are you coming home?"

Aria quickly looked away, feeling guilty for leaving him.

"I hope you have both been behaving for your father?"

"Of course we have mother" Athena replied, seeing what she was doing.

Thor stepped up.

"Hey trouble" He said.


He pulled her into a quick hug.

"I'm sorry for causing this" He whispered.

She shook her head.

"Is all well?" She whispered back.

"Of course. He told us what happened. Im still sorry. Mother has been looking after these two. Hes not in the best mood to be looking after anyone. Spends most of his time, wallowing"

Aria was confused, about to ask exactly what Thor meant, but Athena stepped in.

"Shall we go inside?" She quizzed.

Thor stepped back, then nodded.

"Come on you two" Thor bellowed.

They all headed into the building, leaving Aria with Loki outside, feeling awkward.

"How have you been?" Loki finally asked.

Aria shrugged it off, trying to act like she was absolutely fine.

But even she couldnt keep up the pretence.

"I've been better" She replied. 2Missed the children. A lot"

Instantly she could feel his apology building.

"Dont you dare stand there and try to apologise. I really dont want to hear it" She hissed.

Loki sighed, looking at his feet.

"Tell me Loki, what exactly are you sorry for? Making me leave you and the children. For cheating on me. Could it be for you lying to me? No. I bet its because your damn mistress is trying to kill me"

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now