chapter 3

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Aria and Tony were chatting back and forth in the car. Avoiding everything she could on Loki. Tony even asked about how the children were.

"Well, they ain't really children now, all grown up. Is it really that quick up on Asgard?"

"Yeah" She chuckled. "They are so independent now. They don't need there mother. More independent than I was when I was on the team"

"Aria, you weren't independent. You were stubborn. And always went looking for trouble" Tony scoffed.

"Yeah. I know. You told me that often. Yelled, actually. Its funny. Thor calls me trouble too" She smiled as she realised this.

"I wonder why" Tony laughed. "And I didnt yell"

She glanced sideways.

"Yes, you did"

"Well, you're family. Like my little sister He shrugged. Remind me of her, actually"

Aria was about to reply to that, when something hit the front of the car, causing Tony to lose control. It spun on the road, then stopped just on the edge of the grass.

They both got out to have a look at it. Aria paused, looking around in the empty area they were in, with its trees on either side. She couldnt see where the problem had come from, there was nobody around.

Not even any other cars.

Tony stood in front of the car, checking the damage, while Aria was staying close to him, as she began to sense someones magical presence.

She was about to tell Tony this, when a bright blue energy ball, came hurtling towards them both. Aria saw it come from a bunch of trees, quickly putting up her shield, before it hit Tony. Causing it to spark as it bounced off it.

Tony quickly stood up, looking at Aria.

"What the hell was that?" He asked.

"Someone else is here. Someone who has magic" She replied, a little worried.

As another energy ball if thrown, from a different section, Aria continuing to protect them both. Tony tapped his reactor on his chest, causing the nanotech to spread over his body, changing him into Ironman.

Aria threw her own energy ball to where the last one came from. But nothing happened. Whoever had been there, wasnt there anymore.

She glanced at Tony, dropping the shield, feeling like it was draining her, as she hadnt used that power in a long time.

Tony scanned the area.

"How about we talk about this?" Tony called out, as he looked around.

Three energy balls came from behind them. They turn, Aria deflects two of them, but the third missed completely. Another couple came from another place, all them hit the car.

Tony grabbed Aria and flew away from it, as the car exploded.

"Right. Now youve pissed me off" Tony barked as they stood up, lifting his hands and shooting.

But again, nothing.

"Tony, we should leave" Aria said. "I'm feeling her anger. Her hatred. She is intending to kill, but I dont know if its against you. Or me"

"You can feel her?" He paused. "Since when was that a thing?"

But as he was distracted, more powerful energy balls were thrown. This time they hit Tony in the leg, breaking through his suit. He fell to the ground, as the pain ripped through him.

Aria dropped down beside him, putting up her shield once more, checking the damage. She didnt wait around this time, she told him to hold onto her, as she used her magic and pushed them up and flew away from the area.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now