chapter 7

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Loki stood in the throne room, faced with his father, sat up on his throne. His mother standing by his side looking down on him, with the children. Odin was shaking his head, not believing his ears.

"I dont understand what Amora would want with Aria" Odin said.

Loki didn't want to have to explain everything. Frigga stepped forward, quickly going into detail over the situation. Again, Odin shook his head in disbelief.

"What were you thinking? Not only did you put yourself at risk, but your children as well. Not to mention your wife" Odin's voice boomed throughout the room.

"It wasnt just his idea father" Thor butted in.

Odin glared at Thor, silencing him.

"Look it doesnt matter who is at fault father" Loki started.

"NO, your right. The blame lies with you Loki. I specifically told you not to get involved with Amora. And yet, you did. And look at the consequences"

Loki took a deep breath, shaking his head.

"It never mattered what I did father. It was never good enough" Loki fired back." Not for you. You always made me feel unwanted in this family. Aria was the only person whoever made me feel like I finally belonged somewhere. Why do you think it was so easy for me to leave here?"

Frigga went to say something, not realising how her son felt. But Odin barked at her to stay quiet.

"Im surprised you allowed the match at all. Because anyone who came in contact with me, was never good enough for the Almighty Odin" Loki shouted.

Odin got up from his throne.

"Aria was the one good thing in your life, and what have you done? Ruined it. Like everything else you touch" Odin said. "She just wasnt enough for you either Loki, and you wrecked it"

Frigga had had enough, stepping forward.

"Both of you" She snapped. "Enough"

Loki and Odin stopped glaring at each other.

"This isnt helping anyone to find Aria. Dont you think you, out of everyone here, owe it to Aria, to help find her Odin. She has saved your life after all. And you" Frigga rounded on Loki. "Why dont you treat your wife with the love and respect she deserves, instead of assuming she is gonna leave you"

Thor quickly looked over at his brother, wondering if that was how he really felt.

"We all know what Amora is capable of doing. She will kill Aria, and probably anyone close to her"

They all processed that for a moment, before Loki turned to his children.

"Stay here, look after your brother. He will need you. And help your grandparents. Stay out of trouble" Loki said.

Athena nodded as they both hugged their father.

"We will find her" He reassured them both before leaving.

Thor and Loki headed into the compound, explaining that both the children were safe in Asgard. They looked around the large briefing room at everything they had done so far. Coming up blank at every turn.

Loki was running out of ideas. Thinking back to all the conversations that he held with Amora about going away.

But no matter what he thought, he would only remember the ones he had with Aria.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now