chapter 17

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Arias feet landed on the grass once more. She held the dagger in her hand, still showing Odins blood on it. She stormed through the compound, ignoring the looks from the other people who worked there.

She could sense Lokis presence in the lounge.

Aria burst through the door, scanned the place, finding he was at the dining section. Without waiting, she crossed the room to him.

They all saw how fierce she looked, along with the dagger in her hand, the blood still on it.

Aria grabbed Loki.

"You son of a bitch" She yelled.

They all stepped forward to stop her.

But she pushed Loki away again.

"The deal is already been made"

This took Loki by surprise.

He shook his head.

Aria lost it, she threw her first, punching him, causing Loki to fall to the ground. Aria got over him, holding the knife at his chest.

"You and Odin already made the deal for Athena to marry"

Loki knew she was angry.

"I didn't have a choice" He shouted back.

She looked defeated, hearing that he knew. Thor grabbed Aria from his brother, as they all stood there watching. She turned and pushed Thor away too, tears in her eyes.

"Mom, whats going on?" Athena asked, as she pushed through the people.

Aria looked at her daughter, Fandral by her side.

"The deal was made Athena. I dont know who he is, or when it will be. I warned him that it wont happen. He didnt like it"

Athena looked upset.

Aria hurried over to her.

"I promise you, this wont happen. I wont let him do this to you"

Athena knew her mother, would protect her.

Loki got up from the ground, seeing how upset his daughter was. But even he knew this was something Aria couldnt stop.

"Aria, you cant stop this now"

She glared at her husband.

"Are you agreeing with your father on this? Because if so, I will leave and I will take them with me now, you will lose everything" Aria warned.

"Can we talk. Privately?" Loki thought.

She said nothing, she headed out of the door, with Loki quickly following.

Aria walked into her bedroom, Loki closed the door behind him.

"There is another way to ensure she doesnt go ahead with the arranged marriage. Aria, you have to believe me, I didnt agree with any of this. Father discussed it. I promise you, I told him that I would talk to you about it. You know father, he didnt wait"

Aria couldnt fight with him, she felt his truth.

"Whats the plan Loki? Because he will come for her"

Loki couldnt say it.

But she read his thoughts.

If Athena was already married. There was nothing anyone, even Odin could do about it.

"The question is, would Fandral be willing to go ahead with it, so soon?"

She could sense his reluctance.

"We could only ask" Aria was about to leave, when she felt her mind leave.

Aria was standing on the large lawn outside the compound. There was a large wedding tent there. She could see it was within the next week.

As they looked around, she saw Odin, on his eight-legged horse, and an army behind him.

Clearly he was coming for Athena.

Aria pulled back, gasping for breath, her eyes finding Loki, seeing he had watched her vision.

"We need to talk to Athena, now" He said.

She agreed.

He quickly rushed off in search of them both. Bringing them back to her room. Aria was leaning on the desk when they walked inside.

"Mom, whats going on?" Athena wondered.

"Me and your Dad have been talking. Weve found a way around the arranged marriage" Aria said.

Athena waited.

"If I marry your daughter instead" Fandral said.

Aria and Loki were both stunned.

"I understand that, its happening very quickly" Aria replied.

"If you both give me permission. Then I would very much like to marry your daughter. Providing she would have me, of course" Fandral said.

Athena looked at him, smiling back at him, her eyes sparkling with so much love.

"You have our permission Fandral" Loki said.

Fandral took a deep breath, then reached for Athenas hands, turning her around so she was facing him.

"Athena, my love. Will you marry me?"

Athena nodded frantically.

"Yes" She said, then put her arms around him.

They headed back to the lounge. Fandral and Athena holding each other grinning.

"Whats going on?" Thor wondered.

Aria smiled.

"Athena and Fandral are to be married" She said.

The room burst into applause, as they all began congratulating them.

Thor walked over to Loki.

"Father is going to be so angry" Thor said.

"Too bad Thor. This is Athenas choice. She doesnt live on Asgard. She shouldnt have to live under his rules" Loki fired back.

Aria smiled, finally feeling like Loki was the man she first fell in love with.

"I agree brother. Lets just hope we dont have to deal with his wrath"

Both Aria and Loki looked surprised.

"Wait, you're agreeing?" Aria asked.

Thor smiled, but walked away as Tony came over.

"So, you gonna be planning the wedding?" Tony wondered.

Aria had no idea how to plan any wedding.

"We can just head up to Las Vegas or something" She replied. "But it has to be done in the next six days"

"Easy" Tony replied. "Look, as far as Im concerned, that is my niece. As strange as it is. She was only born eight years back, she is my family. Pepper can help out. Clint, we can get Laura involved too"

"Definitely. We can hold the wedding right here"

"Tony, we cant." Aria started.

He held up his hand, stopping her from protesting more.

"It will be perfect, she was born here after all. What do you say Athena?"

She grinned, hugging Tony.

"Thank you, Uncle Tony"

"Anything for my niece" He replied.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now