chapter 8

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Aria slowly opened her eyes, finding she was in a small room. With no windows, only a small, faint light coming from one corner. She was lying down on the ground, like she had been propped up against the wall. When she moved, she found her hands were chained to it, with about three feet of chain to move.

Carefully, Aria held out her hands in front of her, where she attempted to use her magic to break free, only they began glowing, and getting hotter around her wrists.

Aria hissed as they burned into her skin a little.

The door opened.

Aria watched the person walking in, closing the door behind them. She was carrying a tray. When she got close enough, she put it down at Arias feet.

Aria looked up at Amoras face.

"Eat" She demanded, but in a pleasant voice.

Aria stared at her, like she had spoken a different language. One moment she was intending to kill her, now she is feeding her.

"You will need you strength over the next few days or so. So, I beg of you to eat something"

Aria looked down at the tray, before kicking out her foot and knocking everything across the ground.

"You know where you can shove that" Aria hissed.

Amora sighed, then waved her hand. Causing the tray and the food to vanish.

"Why have you brought me here? Wherever here is"

"Simple. I am going to be cloning your memories. Before officially becoming you"

Aria starred back at her, like she had just sprouted wings.

"Ever since I found out you had bewitched Loki into marrying you. Ive done everything I can to find out as much as possible about you"

"Bit creepy" Aria commented.

"Ive also been watching you over the last five years" Amora said, ignoring her looks.

"This gets creepier. Stalker tendencies. Have you ever considered getting therapy?"

"Along with making my own spell for me and L"

"Pet names. Cute" Aria rolled her eyes.

"I have perfected his enchantment of changing my appearance. I can make myself look and sound just like you. And once I have all of your memories, I can fully step into your life. Nobody will even notice the difference, and I will finally be by his side, where I was supposed to be"

"I dont understand why you want this. He doesnt want you, no matter what you do or who you pretend to be"

Amora leaned against the wall, her arms folded across her chest.

"My destiny was on the same path as L, the moment we met as children. We were supposed to be together Aria. You see, I was meant to be Odins next Enchantress. I was her apprentice. Only it was all rules and learning. Then I met L, and he made rule breaking so much fun" She smiled fondly. "We soon realised how we felt about each other. We were so in love. Then one day, Odin forbidden L to be with me, telling him he was a prince and will have to marry for the realm. Whoever Odin picked, L wouldnt want to marry. He said being with one woman for eternity, was just not for him" Amora said.

Aria sighed, then faked a yawn.

But she continued.

"I knew it in my heart, nobody would stop us from being together. I was the only person who understood his needs. I could give him his freedom. Knowing he would always come back to me" Amora sighed. "I was brave, found Friggas seeing mirror and I used it. I saw myself and L, we were happy. Together. And we have two beautiful children. A girl and a boy, who looked just like him"

Aria scoffed.

"Sounds to me like you saw my husbands future, with me. And my children" She smiled. "Feels amazing as well. And we are so happy. In love. And the sex. Well, lets just say, it couldnt get any better"

Amora rushed over, punching Aria in the face.

Causing her to spit out blood, glaring back at her as she walked back over to the wall.

"I will have everything Aria. Because once you are out of the way. I have the strongest binding spell for me and L. I even tried to cast it on Asgard. Only I got caught, and thats how I ended up here, banished from my home" Amora was angry. "I know you cast a spell on him, and I am going to find out which one"

Aria looked over at her.

"Are you done with story time, only youre voice is very irritating to me" Aria said.

Amora headed for the door.

"Its going to be exhausting for you Aria. And I hope, very painful. After it all, you will die. But just so you know. I will take care of the children for you. As if they really were my own"

Aria pulled on the chains, feeling angry now, wanting to hit Amora so hard.

"You forget one thing Amora" She shouted over.

Amora opened the door, looking back at her.

"Whats that?" She smiled, seeing she was getting to her.

"My family" Aria said. "They will know you are not me. They will be suspicious and they will stop you"

Amora faltered for a second, before heading out of the door, closing and locking it behind her.

Aria slumped against the wall, she maybe was feeling brave and confident against Amora, but now that she was alone, she had doubts that anyone was going to find her, let alone notice that it was actually Aria.

Nobody was coming to find her.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now