Chapter 1

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Almost every week, Loki had been going up to Asgard, visiting his parents and sorting everything out, in case they ever wanted to return. Not that he ever felt Aria wanted too, as she really enjoyed being on Midgard. Seeing her happy, made him happy. But he however, missed home.

He had returned, taking his children up there to see there grandparents often. Frigga couldn't believe how fast they were growing up. Eight years since Athena was born, now looking like a fully grown woman. She had come into her powers, handling them fine. She loved being there with her grandparents, who taught her hot to fight and use her magic when needed. But on this particular day, they were all just sitting around, chatting and eating.

Frigga stopped in mid-conversation, zoning out from the conversation, causing Loki to look over at her, knowing she was having a vision.

"Mother, are you alright?" Thor questioned, he was in Asgard for a while, since being away, keeping the peace in other realms.

Frigga blinked, then looked at him, smiling and nodding, but Loki knew something was wrong, as she glanced at him, passing a silent message of concern.

Athena had been talking to Volstagg about his many missions, while Jack was talking to Thor. When Athena gasped, one hand going to the side of her head.

"Athena?" Loki asked, standing up.

She quickly reached out to her father. Who took her hand, knowing she too was getting a vision, and wanted to show him everything.

They both could see the Avengers compound. They walked through the halls, finding the place deathly quiet. As they stepped into the large lounge area, they found dead bodies scattered. With Aria standing in the middle, looking at her feet.

Loki could see his children there.

He wanted to ask her what she had done, but remembered it was just a visions of what might happen.

Seconds later, Aria was struck down as well.

Her body falling beside her children. Loki looked over, finding Amora standing holding daggers in her hand, ones that looked very much like his own.

"This is what happens when you take what doesnt belong to you" Amora sneered.

Loki quickly pulled back, taking his hands back from his daughter, finding everyone looking at them. He said nothing, just turned and hurried out of the hall, to outside where the fountain was.

Frigga and Athena followed.

Loki saw them both walking towards him.

"We should speak with mother about this" Athena suggested.

But Loki shook his head.

"Why not?" She quizzed. "Dad, that woman is clearly going to hurt everyone. Dont you think Mom should know. So, she can be on her guard?"

"No" Loki replied.

Frigga could see what he was thinking.

"You're gonna go after her, and stop her, alone" Frigga said.

"I have to do something"

"It wont work Loki. Amora will still go after her"

Loki shook his head.

"I have to try" He explained. "This is all my fault. I cant have her kill my family. Because she doesnt understand. I have to try and get her to understand. That this is my life, and I love Aria"

Athena didnt know what to say.

"What about Mom?"

"You just have to go along with whatever happens. What I have in mind, is going to upset and hurt her, but it will keep her safe in the long run, I promise. We will be the only ones who know about this, and hopefully, it works"

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now