chapter 14

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Athena landed outside of Westview. She looked at the sign, relieved it was the right place.

"Athena, is this it?" Fandral asked.

She nodded once.

They started walking through the streets, finding the place was quiet, a small population.

Clearly the people who lived there, knew each other. The odd person that passed them, starring at these unknown people.

Athena paused in the centre, finding the large statue and grass area. She followed her gut and headed in the direction she believed was right.

They came to the street, then seeing the pale blue house. Athena almost ran to it, Fandral stopped her from barging inside.

"Well check the other side" Volstagg suggested.

"We dont have time" Athena said, lifting her foot and kicking in the door.

Fandral hurried inside first, finding the place looking beautiful.

They followed.

And looked around.

"I dont think anyone lives here Athena" Hogun said.

But she can feel the magic all over the walls. She raised her hand, placing it against the wall, it took a moment, but the whole place shimmered before them, slowly revealing its true form.

All four of them looked at the barely furnished room, its writing all over the walls.

"What is all this?" Fandral wondered.

"Concealment charms. And a binding spell, aimed at Dad"

"Explains why we couldnt see her" Volstagg said.

Athena looked around, feeling the pull towards the doors under the stairs. Again, it was magically locked.

She muttered a few words, then seconds later the handle exploded off the whole thing.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side" Fandral said.

Athena was going to smile, as Hogun removed the door, revealing stairs, leading to the basement.

"This is it" Athena replied.

Athena was about to go in, when Fandral insisted that he went first.

At the bottom of the stairs, is another door. This one untouched with the key that was in it.

As they opened it, they found it darker than they expected.

"I cant see a thing" Fandral said.

Once again, Athena muttered something, then waved her hand, sending four balls of light to each other. It lit up the small room, realising the curled up body, chained to the wall.

Athena stared, her heart sinking.

Volstagg quickly uses his axe, breaking the chain from the wall, then scooped Aria up into his arms.

Aria feels her body being carried upstairs. She can smell fresh air and the coolness against her clammy skin. But before she can open her eyes. She feels her body, being pulled else where.

To Loki.

Aria stands to the side. Watching as they have all surrounded her in the open space, just outside the front doors of the compound. Seconds later, the Bifrost appeared, Thor stepped out of the glow. Seeing the situation and what was happening. Quickly joining them in the circle around Aria.

Loki, what is going on? Thor bellowed.

Its not Aria

She stood opposite Loki, behind the circle, feeling proud that Loki knew this wasnt her. That he knew it was Amora. He looked up, his eyes locking straight onto her.

Instantly, Aria felt there connection restore.

Arias eyes flew open, finding she was lying on the path outside the house. She looked up, finding her daughter kneeling over her. Looking concerned. Before she could speak, Athena looked up, causing Aria to feel a great wave of a powerful love.

She looked on her other side, finding Fandral there.

"Mom, are you alright?" Athena asked, wrapping her arms around her.

"I am now" She replied.

Aria pulled back, looking at the state she was in. She could feel herself recharging. Slowly, Aria got to her feet, she knew what had to be done. Quickly, she took a deep breath, then in a flash, cleaned herself up, changed her clothes into her black and purple Asgardian battle gear.

"Mom, you cant" Athena said, realising what she was about to do.

Aria smiled.

"I dont have a choice daughter. We need to stop her"

"You need to rest" Athena pleaded.

"Warrior princess" Volstagg boomed, coming out of the house.

Aria laughed.

Then she summoned the Bifrost, letting it surround all five of them.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now