chapter 2

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It took Aria almost fourteen hours to drive up to the Avengers compound in New Jersey. She finally pulled up, parked the bike beside Tonys Audi R8. She swung her leg over, just as Steve and Bucky came from the other section, pausing, wondering who this was on a bike. Until she raised her head and looked over at him.

"Aria, what are you doing here?" Steve asked, smiling wide.

She didn't trust her voice, saying nothing as she quickly headed inside the building and straight through to her room. She knew she would love control if she tried to explain everything straight away.

Steve sensed that she was angry, so he decided to just let her be for now, as they headed inside as well.

"Wonder what's eating her?" Bucky asked.

Steve shrugged.

Aria closed her room door, threw her bag over onto the bed, then leaned on the door for a moment. She took a few deep breaths, before walking over to her desk, seeing the few photos that sat there. She picked one up of herself and Steve. Seeing how happy she was with him. How uncomplicated her life was then. And how she knew Steve would never cheat on her.

Aria put the photo back, feeling her body begin to shake. She could feel her anger and the magic just wanting to be free.

Five minutes later, someone knocked on her the room door. Then opened it. She stood up from the desk, attempting to calm herself down, her eyes changing from purple to brown as she looked over, finding it was Tony standing there, smiling at her.

"Steve said you were here" Tony said. "you okay?"

She pursed her lips, nodding, but looking up.

"No" She then replied, looking away from him. "I just need to crash here for a while, until I figure out what Im gonna do. If thats okay?"

Tony shrugged, but smiled.

"I dont mind" He answered. "As long as you dont mind helping out, when we need it"

Aria looked back at him, seeing the look on his face.


This made her smile and relax a little more as she nodded to him.

"I dont mind" She replied, in the same tone.

"Anything I can help you with?"

She then shook her head, still holding back her emotions.

"Thanks though, Tony"

"What is family for, right" He was about to leave the room.

Aria gasped, feeling the pull of one of her visions.

She was standing there, looking up at Stark Tower. Aria felt the pull towards the building. That she belonged. She looked down again, seeing her reflection in the mirrored glass.

"Rex, are you sure about this?" She asked.

"Riley. I traced everything. Howard was your father. Tony is your brother. Well. Half brother. But he is still family" He replied.

"Why has he never come looking for me?"

"Because he doesnt know youre still alive after the accident. But he will, soon"

Aria pulled back, finding she was holding onto the desk, catching her breath. She looked over to Tony still standing in the doorway.

"Whos Riley?" She asked.

Tony gasped at the name. She saw that he was shocked she had even mentioned this name. She caught her breath, sitting down on the bed, as he walked in and sat over at the desk.

The Banished Love - series The Asgardian Witch (book 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now