Chapter II "My test, their sports"

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(Y/n) POV:

The day of the sports festival was here and to say I was swarmed at the front gate would be an understatement,  Almost as soon as I arrived, microphones were stuffed into my face as I tried to make my way through "Excuse me, were you one of the participants during the USJ attack?" one reporter said as I just walked through them.

I entered the locker rooms and got changed as I exited then entered the waiting room where the other students of class 1-A were, which I received many stares from the others "Maybe we got off on the wrong foot last time," I said while sighing and walking up towards the green haired boy "Names (Y/n) (L/n), what's yours?" I asked while holding my hand out for a hand shake.  The boy just smiled and gladly accepted it as he spoke "Izuku Midoriya," he said as I just smiled back "Trust me when I say, make sure to go all out," I said as I pulled back and he did the same while I took a seat and awaited the new announcements.

Just as I was relaxing a kid with glasses suddenly opened the door and yelled "Everyone, get your game faces on, we're heading into the arena soon!" then closed the door as a kid with red and white hair walked up towards Midoriya and stared speaking to him "Midoriya," he said which caught everyone's attention.  "Hey Todoroki, what's up?" Midoriya asked as the boy know known as Todoroki spoke "From an objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you," he said which caught us all off guard "However, you got All Might in your corner helping you out," he continued which caught me even more off guard.

I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two, but know that I will beat you," he said as I could tell Midoriya was getting even more nervous by the second "Alright Lady's," I said while standing up and walking towards the two "Let's not start something before it's time to get serious," I said while standing between the two.  "Weren't you the one who tried to start something before," I heard a boy with yellow hair say as I glared at him "Now's not the time sparky," I said while turning back towards the two "Wait till we're out in the field, then you can beat each other till you vomiting blood," I said as Todo walked away as Mido suddenly spoke up.

"Wait a sec Todoroki, I don't know what's going through your head or why you need to think you need to tell me that you'll beat me," Mido said as Todo turned a little to listen "And yea, of course your better than me, in fact you probably have way more potential than anyone in the hero couse, that's why you got in so easily," "Midoriya, maybe your being a little hard on yourself," a red haired kid said.  "Hold up, there's a something coming, just let him," I said as I waited for Mido to continue "All the other courses, their coming for us with everything they got," he said as I could tell he was in deep thought for a moment before he continued.

"We're all gonna have to fight to stand out," Mido said as Todo turned his full body towards him "And I'll be aiming for the top two," a sharp tension filled the room as Todo responded "Fine," he said coldly as we were called into the arena and we all entered as the start of the UA sports festival was being announced.

We all entered as I looked around a little before noticing my parents sitting in the crowd along with Nezu watching from a seating place for teachers and Aizawa watching from the announcement booth, we all gathered together as students from other classes and courses were announced and we waited as a teacher I knew as Midnight walked on stage and spoke to all.  "Now the introductory speech," she announced as all eyes were all on her but I'm pretty sure for all the wrong reasons "And for the first year rep, Katuski Bakugo!" she yelled as he walked up the stage towards the mic and announced "I just wanna say, I'm gonna win," he said which left everyone in silence before irrupting.

"Not my fault your all just stepping stones to my victory," he said while turning towards us and giving a thumbs down while more and more people started booing and complaining even louder 'This damn idiot,' I thought to myself as he walked past us and back into the crowd yet the yelling didn't die down for some time.

"Without a further a do, it's time for us to get started," Midnight announced as the screens around the stadium suddenly switch to a sign saying "First Game," suddenly a screen appeared behind Midnight and started spinning itself like a randomizer before stopping on an option stating "Obstacle Race," 'Didn't have to make it that easy,' I thought to myself as I smirked a little.

Midnight then went on an explanation on how the game worked and what we had to do yet didn't mention anything about the obstacles in our way which was reasonable "As long as you don't leave the course, your free to do as your heart desires," she announced as I smirked even wider as I knew this would be over in seconds.  "Now take your places contestants," Midnight said as the starting lines lights flashed on as we all got into position and the lights started turning off one by one until it got to the final one 'This is gonna be over in a second,' I thought as the final light turned off and Midnight yelled "Begin!" as everyone started running all at once.

The gate become crowded quickly as I tried to get my limbs free to use my quirk, that was until a sudden sheet of ice washed over all of us and many were frozen in place as I saw Todoroki start running "Apologize," he simply said as he didn't stop running which caused me to smirk as my hands were still free 'You just fucked up scar face,' I thought as fire the ice beneath me melted and I engulfed myself in fire.

Todoroki POV:

I started running as I saw a sudden flash of white fire pass by me as it suddenly stopped in front of me and revealed it to be (Y/n) "Sorry Jack Frost, but you never stood a chance," he said with a serious tone and face as he re-engulfed himself in his white fire and flew off, avoiding all the other obstacles and was already at the finish "UNBELIEVABLE, A STUDENT ALREADY MADE IT TO THE FINISH!!" Present mic yelled but for some odd reason (Y/n) didn't cross over the line but rather just leaned on a wall and appeared to be... waiting.

(Y/n) POV:

"Sorry Jack Frost, but you never stood a chance," was the last thing I said to Todoroki before I re-engulfed myself in my fire and flew off towards the finish while also looking down towards the obstacles I had dodged 'It's times like this I was lucky to be born with such a quirk,' I thought to myself before I had finally made it to the finish but didn't cross over the line to mark my victory.  I looked around towards the confused people and smirked "This was over to fast," I said to myself as I leaned on the wall and started to take a short nap as I awaited for the other students to arrive but not before hearing the crash of a large metal bot hitting to floor.

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