No one POV:
Where ever crime is a Villain is the cause, where ever a Villain is a Hero is near, that's the dance that many have done for years, ever since the discovery of "Quirks" which is used to when bringing up the topic of somebody's power in which a staggering 80% of the total population have as such while the other 20% are "Quirkless" a term used to describe a person with no such super power.
However with such power, concern grew many who were Quirkless so in response the government implemented a system in which Hero's could only use there quirks with a special type of license called a "Hero license" which allows Hero's to use their quirks publicly in order to stop Villains from terrorizing city's. One can earn a Hero's license by passing an exam within a hero school and graduate to start their own agency and live to become great hero's among the rest such as the number one hero which all look up to "All Might" The number one hero of Japan for his many deeds of helping others with a giant smile with his signature frase "I Am Here" catchy ain't it?
But what most fail to realize is what happens to people of smaller city's, do they get the same treatment?, most think a Hero is one who saves the day before leaving to save another, but what about the people who really do need saving? And what about the people the Hero's failed to save? Are they just forgotten? well... that's why I want to become a hero. For me it isn't about the money they earn, for me it isn't about the popularity I gain, for me it isn't about the respect I gain along my fights and victory's, what I want when I become a hero is to ensure that when I arrive Zero casualties are caused.
(Y/n) POV:
'That's my reason for becoming a hero,' I thought to myself while propelling myself through the air with my white fire as I was scouting the area, looking for any villains nearby that was until I heard a massive crash sound from a large distance away and immediately went towards the noise, only to see a Villain covered in concrete as everything around him was being sucked towards him. 'Now this is a Villain,' I thought to myself before going down towards him "Yo, how's it going?" I asked as the Villain just looked at me confused and tried to slap me with the concert he absorbed, but I was to fast "I just asked a question dollar store Cementoss," I said irritating him.
Just before he could attack again I created water out of thin air and surrounded him with it before freezing it to ice as the Villain was left confused "What's wrong, finally 'Chilled' out?" I asked as the he tried to break free but couldn't "What the hell!" he said as I just chuckled a little until police and pro Hero's finally arrived "Finally shown for the cameras huh?" I asked before leaving as they tried to stop me.
When leaving I saw a couple of Hero's chasing me as I knew what came is "Mad I did your job for you?" I asked as I went a little faster until one of the Hero's tried to grab me "Nice try," was all I said before suddenly creating water and freezing his hand as two others then tried and I quickly encased both of them in ice as well. "And you call yourself's Hero's?" I asked as I started walking away until I heard a fourth arrive "unless you want to end up like them, piss off," I said as the hero suddenly spoke up "That's not what I'm here for," he said as I turned around and recognized him to be the Erasure Hero: Eraser Head.
"What do I owe the pleasure?" I asked as his hair started to raise and as well as his scarf "I just want to talk," he said as I knew what he was trying to do and laughed a little "If you want a talk, stop erasing my quirk," I said as he tired to get closer "Just because I don't have my quirk doesn't mean I'm defenseless," I said while pulling out two sickles and causing him to back away a little. "What do you want?" I asked as he sighed and replied "I was asked to retrieve you for a certain reason he said as I felt a little wary but decided to put my sickles away as his scarf and hair went back to normal.

The Water and Fire Hero...//Momo Yaoyorozu x Male 'Water and Fire bender' Reader
FantasiLet's try this again (Y/n) (L/n) was born with the quirk that allows him to control two of the four elements, Water and Fire With such power, he used it to defend his home for years on end despite his parents concern and yet he continues He fights a...