Chapter IX "Burning Battles"

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(Y/n) POV:

Todoroki immediately tried to dodge by using his ice to skate on, but as soon as the fire touched the base of the structure, it came crashing down "You can't escape that easily anymore, show me why your the number 2 hero's son," I said before releasing another large wave, causing him to have to move out the way. He started sending more ice towards me, but it was all melted by my fire "Receiving a burn from white fire isn't gonna be fun, so I recommend you ether forfeit or show me what you can do," I said before sending a low sweep of fire towards him, he tried to create ice to lift himself, but received the same result as the last time.

I started walking towards him as he continuously sent wave, after wave, after wave, of ice, and I simply melted it all "I'm starting to get bored Todo, at least put up a fight," I said as he sent an even bigger wave of ice, but I simply turned it to water and created a sphere around me "If you want to play with ice, then I guess we'll play," I said before shooting the sphere out in the form of ice spears.

Midoriya POV:

When the ice spears were shot out from (Y/n), Todo reacted quickly by creating a shield of ice "Is he trying to kill him?" I asked myself just as (Y/n) then turned Todoroki's ice into water and surrounding himself with it before sending a bigger spear directly towards him, Todoroki then created another shield, but the same process kept happening between them, with a shield being created then destroyed. I saw as Todoroki started getting colder and I knew he couldn't keep going for much longer, that was when Todoroki then froze (Y/n) in place with ice before getting closer and encasing his body in ice 'Is it over?' I thought to myself.

(Y/n) POV:

I tried to send another spear at him, but he managed to freeze my feet in place, I then tried to remove the ice, but he quickly ran up to me and encased me in his ice "I've only been showing off ranged attacks today, you forgot I can do precision moves too, didn't you?" he asked while glaring at me "Yea, I did, but bet you won't forget this," I said before taking in a large amount of air. I saw as his expression went to one of confusion as Midnight spoke "(Y/n) is immobilized! Todoroki-," I then breathed out and the ice immediately melted, cutting Midnight off and leaving Todo shocked.

I then used the water and incased Todo with it before turning it to ice "Sure would be great to use you fire right now," I said as Todo only glared at me "Your trapped, your ether gonna fight full powered or your gonna forfeit," I said, but he wasn't responding to me "Todoroki is immobilized, (Y/n) advances," Midnight said as I gave a sigh of disappointment and walked away while melting the ice.  "(Y/n) advances to the finals without even trying!" Mic said while the next round was preparing and we both walked back to the stands, I sat down and was congratulated by Midoriya, but I just waved it off.

Endeavor POV:

I saw as the kid named (Y/n) was sitting in the stands while Shoto was in the back looking pitiful '(Y/n)... There's a kid who knows the true power of fire,' I thought to myself as the next round started "And now, Bakugo versus Tokoyami!" Mic yelled as I looked back at the matches and saw the blond boy fighting the bird head kid.

(Y/n) POV:

Bakugo was not holding back at all, it was just constant explosion, after explosion, after explosion, with no sign of stopping anytime soon "Tokoyami has made it this far with his unbeatable quirk, but this time it looks like he's on the ropes," Mic announced 'The light may be his weakness considering he is a shadow, and with who he's up against I can tell this isn't gonna end well,' I thought.  Bakugo then rushed at him and delivered a heavy blast directly into the shadow bird's eyes; it tried to grab him but Bakugo used his explosion's to leap over him and put both his hands close before causing a massive explosion with a bright light being released from it.

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