Chapter VII "Tough matches"

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(Y/n) POV:

I was walking through the halls while trying to look around, until I finally found who I was looking for "Is it my turn to give you directions?" I jokingly asked as Momo looked towards me with a surprised expression "Aren't you supposed to be with the other students?" she asked as I just shrugged "I could say the same about you," I said before sitting next to her. I could tell something was bothering her, but before I could ask she suddenly asked "Don't you wanna see the match's for better strategies?" "I honestly don't want to see two dudes with the practical same quirk have a fist fight," I answered as silence filled us once again.

After a few seconds I finally decided to ask "What's bothering you?" I asked as she sudden became startled "N-Nothing, I'm perfectly fine, you don't need to worry," she said but I knew that it was a plain lie "I don't like liars, and what you told me just now makes you one," I said while glaring at her and she suddenly became nervous. "I-I'm not lying, everything's fine...," she said as I just sighed in disappointment "I can tell when people lie because their blood pumps faster and their heart starts to race," I said as she looked at me in shock "H-How do you-," "Lots of practice and a little secrecy so there is no lying to me," I said, cutting her off.

I then saw as she slowly became sadder, but I continued to ask what the problem was despite her numerous attempts to convince me that it was nothing "It's nothing, really... it's nothing," she said as I was finally fed up and created a small fire in my hand which caught her off guard "W-What are you-," "You either tell me what's going on or I will personally burn my skin off," I said while inching the flame closer. She looked at me as if I was bluffing yet still genuinely concerned wether I was telling the truth, she finally broke once I touched the flame to my skin as I started to grunt in pain as I lifted my hand to show the burn mark.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" she yelled before starting to create bandages "You refused to tell me, so I personally took the liberty of guilt tripping you to tell me the truth," I simply said as she grabbed my arm and started to wrap the burn "So you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to create a second one?" I asked as she looked down in disappointment. "I couldn't do anything during the fight... even when I tried I still lots and it made me feel as if I was useless," she said as I saw her start to tear up a little, but was holding the tears from falling "All I could do was create a shield and even that failed in the end," she continued as I heard her voice start to break a little.

"It didn't fail at the start though," I simply said as she looked at me confused "You managed to create a shield, and that worked for a short while, even when you were caught off guard you were still able to react," I continued "But that was all I could do," she said with her voice becoming even more upset "Sometimes the only thing you can do was the best thing that you did," I said as she suddenly froze. She then looked at me with a mixed shocked and confused expression as I continued "If you only save someone because that's all you could do, then it'll be insulting to that person to know that they were only saved because of that fact".

I saw as her face went to one of a thinking expression "In the beginning, all I could do was control water and even then I had to carry a bottle around to do so," I said as she became surprised for a second "Now look at me, that only thing that I could do, was the best thing I did, cause it drove me to keep going," I finished before standing up. "Come back or don't, that's not my decision, just know that you keep having that mindset, soon that's all that you will ever think about," was the last thing I said before walking away and back towards the seating area where I got to see both kids but in stretchers and carried away.

"What did I miss?" I asked while sitting down "Both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu knocked each other out, so their gonna need to do a tie breaker after the next round," a girl with earphone jacks responded as I continued looking towards the arena and saw that the next match would be between Katsuki Bakugo and a girl named Ochako Uraraka.  "The eight and final battle of the first round of matches!" Mic announced "He was kinda a hot shot in middle school and just look at that determined face, from the hero course, Katsuki Bakugo! vs, the one I'm personally rooting for, also from class 1-A, Ochako Uraraka!" he said finishing the announcements.

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