Chapter 1

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It was a typical morning as I got myself ready for school. I quietly walked downstairs, peeking at my mother. She was passed out with bottles all around her. I sighed and quietly walked out the door. I made my way towards school as I folded my arms.

I really didn't want to go, not if it meant I had to see the star quarterback, Brody Henderon. Before he was popular, he was actually tolerable. Then, he gained popularity by being the football team's quarterback. He also started dating Alexis, and that's when he decided to make my life hell.

Every day, it was always something. Whether he called me names, mocked my appearance, or pushed me around. Well, this year is going to be different. I'm not putting up with his bs anymore. It's bad enough that I had an abusive boyfriend, I'm not going to keep letting people walk all over me. I walked onto the campus and looked at the black Mustang sitting in the corner shady spot.

I shook my head and walked inside. Did I mention today that it also just happens to be my birthday and the only ones who remember are my closest friends. My mother won't remember due to the alcohol. I'm surprised she even remembers she has a daughter.

I walked inside, glancing around for a moment before walking down the hallway. "Hey Boo!" Riley hugged me tightly as I approached her. Riley and I have been friends since kindergarten. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have gotten through some of this crap between Brody and me.

I hugged her back. "Hey."

"Happy birthday!" She smiled.

"Shh! Not so loud." I huffed.

"Everyone knows your birthday, Sky." Riley raised her brow.

"Not entirely. Just our circle." I said. "Please tell me you have at least one class with me this semester."

"Fourth period." Riley nodded. "Unfortunately, you have Mr. Superstar in all your classes. Well, except for the music class you're taking."

"You've got to be kidding me?" I huffed and leaned back on the lockers.

"Hey, my baby!" Jay lifted up Riley as he hugged her. "Hey Boo." Jay smiled at me.

"Hey babe!" Riley grinned.

"Hey." I said.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked.

"Just have to deal with the barbarian all semester..." I folded my arms.

"Don't let him get to you." Jay said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "I will talk to him."

"Talk to who?" Brody asked as he walked over to us.

"You." Jay playfully punched his arm with a grin. "Listen closely, Bro, you're going to stay away from Sky this year. Ok, just leave her alone."

Brody flinched, then quickly deflected. "It's all in good fun. I don't mean any harm."

"You've shoved her into the lockers, Brody, and you say you don't mean any harm?" Riley snapped. "Look, we are sick of it. You've turned into the biggest asshole once you started dating Alexis."

"Rockstar, did you ever get hurt?" Brody asked me.

I shook my head as I looked down. "Talking to him is pointless. He will never change." I walked away. I walked further down the hall and turned the corner.

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