3. The party where it all begins

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That night, there is going to be a party in the Slytherin common room because it's the birthday of some seventh-year.

"Evan is coming later, he said he has to finish an essay. I bet also James is coming", says Barty as they descend from their dorm, "Marlene is, Dorcas told me".

Someone drew inspiration from the Great Hall and lit the common room with fluctuating candles. The windows that look out onto the lake have been enlarged, and the roof has been made transparent. The lake's light casts blue and aquamarine dancing shadows that move with the waves, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. Seventh-year Delphia Parkinson just started playing Virginia Plain on the record player, and some people are already dancing in the middle of the room.

They join Pandora and Dorcas, who are standing by the drinks table. Pandora was telling about what she saw in the tea leaves in the last Divination lesson, "I saw a locked door, and I couldn't understand what it meant. Mrs. Catts said it was surely a prediction of the future. I hope I won't remain locked in my dorm", she laughs.

"Speaking of Divination, also Xeno is coming tonight. I think with some friends", she adds.

In that moment, Evan arrives. "Evan, finally! Here, let's have a toast!", says Barty, handing everyone some firewhisky.

"A toast to what?", laughs Evan.

"To us!", he laughs and raises his glass.

"What, you start drinking without us?", exclaims Marcus, feigning to be offended, as he and Rodolphus join them. They all make another toast.

The Jean Genie starts playing, and Evan says: "I would love to go to a Bowie's concert".

"Me too", murmurs Barty, with an affectionate gaze.

"Hey Evan, do you remember when Rodolphus made that potion explode and everyone and everything was coated in green jelly?" calls Marcus, doubled over with laughter, interrupting them.

"Hey! At least I didn't spill the Shrinking Potion on anyone! It took two days for that girl to come back to her normal height", retorts Rodolphus. They are all laughing.

"Let's toast to Reggie, who is the only one of us who is able to make a potion without destroying something!", laughs Marcus.

Xenophilius arrives and comes to say hello to Pandora. Emmeline Vance, another Ravenclaw, is with him. Marcus and Rodolphus go on, proposing toast after toast. Meanwhile, Dorcas continues to steal glances at the door.

When The Prettiest Star starts playing, Dorcas screams: "This is my favorite song, come!", and drags everyone to the dance floor.

After a few songs, Regulus sees Dorcas freeze and turns around following her gaze. Marlene has arrived. James is not with her, and it's okay because Regulus doesn't care either way.

She goes straight up to Dorcas and they leave chatting together.

Evan then says he's going to get something else to drink, and Barty immediately follows him.

Regulus, who is beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol, wanders around. He sees Rodolphus and Marcus daring Mulciber and Avery to drink a pint of butterbeer faster than them.

He stumbles upon a group of Seventh-years sitting in a circle on the ground, playing some drinking games with the cards. He observes it, but it seems too complicated to understand now that his head is spinning.

He then goes up to the record player, where momentarily no one is around, and begins absentmindedly going through the vynils.

He notices Evan and Barty in a corner laughing together. Everything seems good between them, and Evan should be blind not to notice the way Barty looks at him.

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