19. Pines and broom polish

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"She was here", says Barty.

"It doesn't mean they're together", says Regulus, currently cuddling Barty on their bed.

"The way he is when he's around her... So at ease. He's not like that with just anyone. He's not even with me anymore".

"They seem close, it's true, but they could be just close friends".

"Why isn't he close friends with me anymore, Reg?", Barty says frantically. "He's been avoiding me since the party, even more than before".

"I know, I'm so sorry, Barty", says Regulus, hugging him.

"He's spending all his time with her".

"You're weird around him too. You're barely talking to him".

"I know", says Barty, "I wish I could just not love him anymore. I wish I could manage to ignore that night and act as if it never happened".

"I just wish you would be happy. I can't see you like this". Regulus keeps stroking Barty's hair as he cries.

After Barty feels better, Regulus says, "I have to go to bring those books back to the library and prepare the practice for later, will you be okay?"

"Yes, don't worry".

"Are you coming to practice?". Barty nods.

Regulus gives him a kiss on the forehead and leaves.

When Regulus exits the common room, he finds James sitting on the ground in front of the entrance.

As soon as James sees him, he jumps up. "I hope you're feeling better, Reg", he says.

"What do you want? A thank you for not making me take the blame for something you did the other day?"

"No, of course not! I just wanted to make sure you were okay..."

"It doesn't concern you". Regulus turns and walks along the corridor.

James looks hurt. "Reg, what did I do?"

"What did you do?"

"I don't know! I don't understand. Why are you suddenly acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like we were never friends, like we were never anything at all".

"We weren't".

"Do you mean that?", whispers James, looking into his eyes.

"I do", but his voice falters, traitorous. Because he believed they were. So he hurries to the moving stairs and leaves James there.

After leaving the library, Regulus goes to the quidditch pitch to prepare for the practice for the others, but when he enters the dressing rooms, he hears familiar voices.

"Why are you talking to him?", he hears his brother's voice say harshly.

"He was my tutor... I talk to him", says James.

"He's not anymore. So?"

"I know him. I don't want to just stop talking to someone".

"It's Regulus! Stop trying to be a good person at all costs".

"I know who he is, but that's not- Siri, I... I don't see why I shouldn't talk to him".

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, I-"

"How can you even tolerate him? How can you tolerate such a person?"

Regulus flinches.

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