45. Would, Could, Should

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"We are not hiding them in the common room", says Regulus severely.

"But it will be funny!", pleads James.

"No. We are not putting dungbombs in my common room", says Regulus taking the backpack from James' hands.

"But we can put them in yours if you want", he adds chuckling.

James sighs, "People are used to them by now, they don't cause any chaos anymore".

Regulus giggles, "And whose fault is that?"

"No, it's actually Pads' fault-", James stops and launches himself to hug Regulus.

"Sorry", he says as he makes Regulus fall backwards on the mattress and starts giving him kisses on the cheek. Regulus hugs him back.

"We can put them in a classroom", says James smiling, "What do you say?"

Regulus nods with a small smile. James strokes his cheek and gives him a kiss.

James' face lights up, "As we are going to disrupt some lessons, we could as well make it big", he crouches and takes the bags from Zonko's from under Regulus' bed, and takes out a few objects, putting them in his backpack.

Regulus laughs, he loves to see James excited. He takes his face in his hands and gives him a kiss.

James grins, "Now I'll show you something, but you can't tell anyone, it's a secret", he says as he produces a piece of parchment.

Regulus takes it and looks at James confused, "A secret blank parchment?"

James grins and says: "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good".

Regulus laughs, "Are you?"

"And now you are too", James grins. As James touches the parchment with his wand, a map of the castle appears, along with all the people inside it.

Regulus' eyes widen and he stares at the moving people. "It traces where everyone is at any given moment", says James.

Regulus raises his head, "Cheater. I thought you had some mysterious talent for not getting caught", he says.

"I made the map!", exclaims James, "Is that not the work of a talented person?"

Regulus giggles. "Of course", he coos before squeezing his cheeks and kissing him, "So talented".

"Okay, I didn't make it by myself. Me and the others did it together".

"I still think you're talented, don't worry", says Regulus chuckling and kissing his cheek.

Regulus witnesses James turning into planning mode, and can't help but smile. James is focused on the map, deciding which classrooms to target and what to do in each.

"We will go into these four. They are all on the ground floor, so we can enjoy the show through the windows from outside", says James grinning, "But we have to hurry and do everything before the afternoon classes begin".

"As you say, I trust your brilliant scheme", says Regulus giggling, before cupping James' cheeks and giving him a kiss.

James grins as he stands up and holds out his hand, "Ready to address the deficiencies in your education?"

"Ready", Regulus laughs and takes his hand.

They squeeze under the invisibility cloak, and make their way towards the first classroom. They place dungbombs under almost every desk and disillusion them. In the second, they place Scrolls of Frost. In the third, Anarchy Urns, and, in the fourth, whiz-bangs. They charmed all of them so they will activate when a timer goes off.

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