36. Books, touches and alambics

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Evan wakes up in a silent dorm. From the light that seeps through the windows on the lake, he gathers that it's not early and they overslept. He gently shakes Barty, who hums in disagreement.

He gently shakes Barty again, and cups his cheek with his hand, making him raise his head. Barty slowly opens his eyes, "Good morning", he says smiling at him.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade? It's a bit late", he then asks.

"Sure, let's go raid the kitchens, and we'll go for a bit", he says standing up and holding out his hand for him.

They let the elves spoil them, and they make their way towards the village. It's a sunny day and Evan lets the sun softly burn his skin.

"Soon your freckles will appear", says Barty.

"Unfortunately they will".

"Stop, they're beautiful", says Barty stopping him and giving him a kiss.

"Do you think the others are already there?" says Evan.

"Marcus and Rodolphus are not coming. Or coming in the late afternoon", says Barty grinning, "They went to a party last night, and they already anticipated they would be sleeping today".

"Why didn't you go?"

"Did you want to go?"

"No, I wouldn't want to have stayed up too late yesterday".

"I figured", says Barty shrugging.

"Also Emmeline is not coming, she wasn't feeling very well yesterday".

"I'm sorry".

"It was just a cold".

"Reg and James are probably already there. And I bet Dorcas is too, with Marlene".

When they arrive in front of Scrivenshaft's, Barty pulls him inside. "What do you need? Normal quills, self-refilling, or some of the exotic creatures' ones?"

"I guess the normal ones", says Evan as he walks through the tables displaying the quills, "And a couple of the self-refilling ones".

"Or maybe I'll take some more, given that you always steal mine", he says smiling at Barty.

"What can I say, they just look so much better than mine, they're so inviting", Barty grins.

"Look, there are the quills with disappearing ink! You tell who the recipient is and only they can read the message. Do you want one?", says Barty.

Evan smiles and shakes his head, "What for?"

"To remind me of your undying love on every one of my parchments and books, obviously", says Barty grinning, making him laugh.

Evan looks around some more, and he spots a black self-refilling quill. He thinks Barty would like it, it's unusual, not the same as everyone else's, so he picks it up along with some white ones for himself. He will leave it around and let Barty steal it.

After having finished, they cross the street and this time it's Evan pulling Barty through the door of Fluorish and Blotts, his favourite shop. He immediately starts roaming through the bookshelves.

"Do you want me to hold your bag? So you'll be free to look around?", says Barty.

"Thank you, but what about you?"

"I don't mind, I don't plan on buying many books". Evan hands him his bag, smiling at him. Barty trails behind him as he walks among the labyrinthic bookshelves.

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