48. Greenhouses

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Sirius sees James hastily collecting his things, putting them in his bag, and hurrying through the door as soon as McGonagall dismisses them. Sirius knows James is going to get Regulus.

He tells his friends he needs to look for a bathroom, and starts following James through the corridors, maintaining a certain distance. James stops in front of a classroom, and Sirius sees his brother coming out of it, beaming and kissing James. A blonde girl is looking at Sirius, and, when he meets her gaze, she smiles and waves at him. She's Regulus' friend, he waves back, confused.

James and Regulus are talking non-stop, they start walking towards the Great Hall hand in hand, and they seem to be teasing and joking with each other. Can that really all be an act on Regulus' part?

Sirius sits beside his boyfriend and gives him a kiss. He smiles at the quantity of food Remus has in front of him, as usual. His gaze keeps going to the Slytherin table, though. James is laughing with Regulus' friend, he seems at ease and having fun. Sirius notices that Regulus' and James' hands keep looking for each other under the table.

"Did you tell him he could sit with us?", says Remus, who has apparently followed his gaze.

"He knows he can!", says Sirius turning to him.

"Did you tell him you would like him to, then?"

He hasn't. He probably should, he misses his friend. But would that mean Regulus coming to sit with them too? James hardly leaves his brother's side. Does Sirius want Regulus to? Would Regulus do it?

"He spends all his time with him", murmurs Sirius looking at Remus.

"You spend all your time with me", Remus grins and gives him a peck on the lips, making Sirius smile.

"You weren't talking to each other much lately", says Remus simply, "He created a new routine".

Remus is right, as always. And he is even too good, because, let's admit it, it was Sirius who wasn't talking to James. The fact remains that Sirius barely sees him anymore, and he doesn't like that. He is in the same place as James only when they're in class.

After lunch, Sirius is turning on the flames under his cauldron when James enters the Potions' classroom, and claims for himself a table at the back. Sirius glances at Remus, who nods, and he brings all his things to the table beside James.

"I didn't want to leave you unsupervised", says Sirius trying to sound joking, but his voice comes out sounding more uncertain.

James looks at him and beams. "I'll have you know that I have improved quite a lot and it will be me who supervises-", then he stops and his smile falters.

After a pause, Sirius says: "Well, getting worse was impossible", and he smiles.

James' face lights up. "True", he starts laughing, "But you will see that you're completely safe standing beside me".

"You still have to prove that", says Sirius grinning.

Slughorn is explaining what they will be doing today, the Potion of Flying Blossoms. After he finishes telling them all the necessary recommendations, they start brewing. Sirius and James, side by side, add the ingredients to their cauldrons. James is truly not making anything spill or explode. That is Regulus' doing. A sense of pride infiltrates Sirius without his consent.

"See, you're still in one piece?", James grins as he's stirring his potion.

"Prongs, why don't you sit with us at meals?", says Sirius.

James raises his head and looks at him, he looks sorrowful. "I didn't want to upset you".

"I'm sorry I stopped talking to you!", says Sirius launching himself to hug him. "I'm so sorry, forgive me! I thought you weren't my friend anymore, I thought you didn't care about me".

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