10. Lovers' quarrel

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Regulus couldn't be in a worse mood when he enters the Potions classroom.

James is already there.

"Potter. You're making the Draught of the Eclipse today", says Regulus. "And, to our delight, this is the last time we have to talk to each other".

"What do you mean?", asks James, surprised.

"Slughorn is finally finding you a new tutor".

"Why?", James looks dismayed.

"Because I asked him to", says Regulus, as if it were obvious.


Regulus just stares blankly at him. "Put a phial of Gorgon tears in the cauldron, they are the basis of the invulnerability potion. They are effective against Expelliarmus. They have to boil". He lifts himself up and sits on a desk.

James looks confused and nervous as he turns on the flames. He glances at Regulus.

Regulus is still emanating anger waves, he can feel them. "Add one drop of Daemon Sweat and stir two times clockwise. It protects from Petrificus Totalus", orders Regulus. James goes to the cupboard, looking for it. He keeps glancing back at Regulus. As he stirs, he asks, "Are you okay?"

"What do you care? Put in a phial of Merman Essence".

James finds it on the top of a shelf, and he adds it. "You can talk to me if you want, if there is something bothering you. I'm here, Reg", he says, looking at him with his big eyes.

Regulus gives him a glance with the intent of incinerating him on the spot. "It's Regulus to you".

"What happened?", asks James.

"None of your business, Potter. Do you suddenly care now?"

"Well, not suddenly... I cared. I care".

"It didn't look like it. Add one Hippocamp's Bone. It increases general health".

"Why do you say that?", says James, looking distressed.

Regulus stares at him in the eyes and says: "The Hippocamp's Bone won't fly by itself in the potion".

"Reg, I...", James looks crushed, but then changes his mind apparently and goes looking on the shelves.

"Stir ten times anticlockwise".

"I'm sorry that I didn't say hi the other night".

"It doesn't matter anymore. I didn't care. I don't care".



"You said it doesn't matter anymore. Did it matter before?"

"Just stir the potion, Potter".

"I'm sorry, Reg. I made a mistake. I was rude".

"It's Regulus. And I told you it doesn't matter".

James stirs the potion.

"Thank you for comforting me last time", he murmurs.

Regulus doesn't answer. James goes on: "What you said about feeling the emotions was really helpful. I will not forget it".

"Happy to be of service in helping you overcome the massive struggle of not being able to perform a simple spell", says Regulus with disdain.

"What? I wasn't crying for that", says James. "Did you truly not understand?", he murmurs sadly.

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