49. Dorcas' worshipping

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Regulus and James are walking down a corridor, and they have almost reached the Gryffindor Tower, when Regulus stops and pulls James into a hug. James lifts him up and holds him tight.

"Do you want to wait for me here?"

Regulus rests his head against James' neck. After a pause, he says: "No I'm coming". But he doesn't move.

"I want to see your dorm", says Regulus.

"Really?", exclaims James surprised.

"I never saw it".

He feels James grinning. After a bit, James says: "Do you want me to carry you?"

Regulus chuckles. He gets back to the ground and resumes walking. As James guides him into the common room, and then up the stairs, he keeps glancing at him. When they enter the dorm, they find Sirius, Remus and Peter, who all smile at them.

"Baby brother!", exclaims Sirius. He is evidently regretting those words as soon as he pronounced them, probably also because Regulus is glaring at him.

"Oh, am I now?", Regulus whispers angrily.

Remus has asked James about an essay, and they and Peter start talking about homework. Sirius walks out of the room, after a moment Regulus follows him.

"I thought James was your brother", says Regulus.

Sirius nods, staring at the ground. After a while, he murmurs: "Do you still consider me your brother?"

"You don't. James is your family".

Sirius keeps staring at the ground. After a long time, he says: "Do you want me to?". He is met only with silence.

"I do consider you my brother", says Sirius.

"Didn't look like it".

"It didn't look like you considered me yours either", Sirius' head snaps up, and they stare into each other's eyes for a moment.

"Don't call me that again, you know I never liked it", says Regulus as he turns and goes into the room again.

James immediately turns to him, Regulus smiles before starting to look around. Regulus had never been inside his brother's dorm before. He has no doubt that his part of the room is the messiest one, full of records. His bed looks like Barty's, you can't even see the covers anymore. He turns towards Sirius' boyfriend, who was already looking at him.

Remus smiles and says: "James says you're going to-"

"No!", interrupts James. "I haven't told him yet", he adds bashfully.

Regulus goes to sit in between Remus and Peter, and whispers: "Tell me".

Remus smiles, "No, we can't, sorry". Peter nods. Regulus pouts and James grins looking at him.

"Are you guys coming at the party tonight?", says James. Sirius had also come back into the room in the meantime, and the other two look at him without answering.

James glances at Regulus, and then says: "Why don't you come, Pads?"

Sirius turns to rummage through a drawer. "I'll think about it", he mutters.

When they come out of the dorm, James looks at Regulus hesitantly. Regulus simply gives him a kiss before going down the stairs.

Once they are in the corridor, they squeeze under James' invisibility cloak and reach a statue of an old witch. James checks the map then touches the statue with his wand and the statue moves. Regulus' eyes widen as James walks into a dark tunnel that appeared behind it.

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