37. Brothers

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James opens his eyes and closes them again, cherishing the feeling of Regulus clinging to him even in his sleep. When he feels Regulus moving, he gives him a kiss on top of his head.

"Good morning, boyfriend", says James grinning. Regulus laughs and kisses him.

Regulus gets up, but James grabs his waist and pulls him back to bed, making Regulus giggle and fall on top of him. James cups Regulus' cheeks, smiles and kisses him again.

"We should get up", says Regulus giggling.

"We should", says James grinning in between kisses to his cheeks, who cares about classes.

When they get up, they are very late, they hastily get dressed and run to the Great Hall for breakfast. When they enter, James can't avoid glancing at the Gryffindor table, he finds Sirius looking at them, so he smiles, but Sirius returns to his breakfast.

He goes to sit at the Slytherin table with Regulus, drawing many eyes to him.

Regulus doesn't let go of his hand. "How do you plan on eating?", laughs James.

"With one hand. You can manage", grins Regulus. James tickles him with his free hand until Regulus has to let go of him to defend himself. But then James asks for forgiveness with a kiss and Regulus smiles.

They quickly have breakfast, and when they exit the Great Hall, Regulus gives him a kiss and says: "I'll see you later".

"No, I'll walk you to class", he says making Regulus widen his eyes. "If you want", he adds.

"Of course I do", says Regulus smiling, so James intertwines their fingers and accompanies him to Charms.

"You will be late", says Regulus.

"I don't care, I want to stay with you", says James kissing his curls, making Regulus smile at him.

When they arrive in front of the classroom, Regulus puts his arms around his neck, smiling softly, and kisses him. "I'll see you at lunch".

But he sees him before that. In class, Sirius keeps him at a distance and James is more and more down.

He decides to go see Regulus again, and goes to sit in front of the classroom where he is. When Regulus exits the classroom, his eyes widen and a smile erupts on his face, and James immediately feels better.

Regulus runs to hug James, "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you", says James, "Apparently I have trouble staying away from you".

Regulus giggles, "That's good, because I do too", he says before kissing him.

They walk towards the Potions' classroom, Regulus' next lesson. "I'm getting used to you walking me to class, unfortunately for you", says Regulus.

"It's okay, I plan on keeping doing it", says James grinning.

"You will earn yourself a detention for being late sooner or later", says Regulus lauging.

"Then you will have to come help me and share the burden, because it will be your fault", says James putting his arms around his waist.

"No, I won't", says Regulus giggling. James opens his mouth, acting offended, and starts tickling him, making Regulus shriek.

"Torture won't work!", says Regulus.

"Bribery?", says James kissing him.

"Maybe", says Regulus giggling.

He's heading towards the History classroom, when he runs into a flooded corridor, full of foam. They didn't tell him.

He has to talk to Sirius again.

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