11. Love me do

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"Wanna take a break?", Evan hears Barty's voice and turns around. Barty is smiling, fidgeting with his bag.

"You haven't even started studying yet", Evan smiles back.

"Why start now?", he laughs.

Evan laughs and shakes his head. "Sure. What do you want to do?"

"Are you hungry?", asks Barty. "Or do you need some fresh air? Or take a walk? Are you sleeping enough? Perhaps we should just go to the dorm. I don't think you're sleeping enough".

"I am actually a bit tired, yes", says Evan, smiling bashfully.

As soon as they enter the dorm, Barty launches himself on Evan's bed. "Come here", he smiles as he opens his arms. Evan watches him dazed, and he can feel his cheeks heating up. But he can't resist.

He lays his head on Barty's chest and lets him cuddle him.

"I missed you", murmurs Barty.

Evan freezes for a second. "Me too", he whispers, managing to make his voice come out with some difficulty.

Barty hugs him tighter and hides his face in Evan's hair.

After a pause, Barty adds, "Yes, but mostly your bed. It's softer than Regulus' you know", grins Barty.

"Oh, yes?"

"Definitely. You're just an additional feature I have to put up with".

"Well, in this case...", says Evan as he goes to stand up, but Barty grabs him and pulls him back, clutching to him.

"I'm joking, my cute little angel", says Barty as he holds him tightly. "You are the best and primary reason that makes this bed so good, I swear", he laughs.

Evan can't even bring himself to laugh. He is melting into Barty's arms. His touch is secure but so so gentle, and it makes Evan feel like he's the most precious thing in the world. He puts his arms around Barty's shoulders and hugs him back.

Barty cradles his cheek and makes him raise his head. Evan meets Barty's eyes.

Barty is looking at him intently. It seems like he's searching for something. Evan would give him anything he wanted.

Barty strokes his cheek with his thumb and murmurs, "How are you?"

"I'm fine", whispers Evan.

"You're not", whispers Barty back so softly.

Evan feels his eyes filling up with tears as he's still looking into Barty's, and he can't stop them from falling.

He hides his face in Barty's chest and cries. Barty holds him, puts his chin on top of his head, and caresses his hair. Evan feels so safe in Barty's arms.

"I'm sorry you won't tell me what it is, but I'm here, Evan", murmurs Barty. "I'm here", he says as his voice breaks.

Evan holds onto him and breaks down completely.

After a while, he feels like he's calming down. He keeps holding onto Barty. He raises his head and looks into Barty's eyes. They're wet too.

"I'm sorry", says Evan.

"No. Evan, no. Stop. Don't say sorry right now".

Evan feels a small smile form on his face through the tears.

"I love you, Evan", says Barty.

"I love you too".

"Everything will be fine. There is nothing that can't be solved", murmurs Barty, trying to reassure him. "For now, I'm sure you will already feel better after a little bit of sleep", says Barty, still stroking his hair.

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