44. Astronomy tower

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The door of Regulus' dorm swings open. Barty finds him and Regulus cuddling on Regulus' bed and puts a hand over his eyes. "Are you decent?", he exclaims laughing.

Regulus giggles, "Stop and come in".

"What are you guys doing today?", says Regulus.

"We are just going to the library", says Evan.

"I'm coming too", says Regulus. "You don't have to come", adds Regulus turning to look at James.

"Of course I'm coming. Who will disturb you otherwise?", says James grinning. Evan smiles as he gathers his books.

"I like your attitude James. I can't do all the work alone", Barty grins, making James laugh.

Evan and Barty are ready, when Regulus says: "We'll join you in a little bit".

"Understood, lovebird. I guess I'll see you back here tonight", says Barty grinning and walking out the door.

"No we are coming!", Regulus shouts as the others are down the stairs.

It's late when Regulus and James appear and sit in front of them.

"I am extremely surprised indeed", says Barty grinning, and making Regulus giggle.

James has to do an essay for Potions too, but he gets distracted by Regulus simply existing as always and can't help but kissing his cheek every now and then. Okay, maybe often.

Barty is taking notes with a black quill and Evan stares at it. James hears Barty whispering "Yes, I stole it from you", grinning.

Evan whispers in his ear, Barty beams and cups Evan's cheek.

Evan takes his other quill and passes a note to Barty, making him smile. The two keep using it and passing parchments back and forth, but James sees they're all blank.

"What is that? You have passed each other blank pieces of parchment all day", says Regulus, who must have noticed too.

Barty grins, takes another piece of parchment, and writes something before passing it to Regulus.

"I want this too", exclaims Regulus. "Can I borrow it one second?", he adds.

He writes on James' notebook and this time the ink appears. James smiles at him, takes his hand, and kisses it. I don't mind getting distracted, Reguus wrote.

That night, James goes to his dorm to fetch some textbooks. As he puts them in his school bag, he hears voices coming from the stairs.

"They won't have me. I will sleep under a bridge before going to them in France all summer", Sirius is saying harshly.

"But it serves him right. A whole summer alone with his dear parents, without being able to invite his little friends", he continues, his voice full of venom, as he walks through the door with Remus.

James jumps up alarmed. Sirius' eyes widen when he sees James, he has a letter in his hand.

"Pads, of course you will stay at mine! Without a doubt", James hurries to say. "But what do you mean without friends?"

"What I said. A lovely holiday for family only".

James turns pale. "Are you sorry for him?", continues Sirius, "I bet he's happy he will be with his parents that he loves dearly".

"Pads, you know that's not true", says James as he hurries towards the door.

"Are you going to him now? To comfort him?", Sirius says sarcastically. James looks at him with a pleading look.

"Prongs don't...", pleads Sirius.

"I have to go. I love you", says James, and he hopes that's enough, he hopes that he's doing enough to show that is true, and that Sirius will understand and forgive him one day.

He throws himself out the door, he runs down the stairs, he bumps into a couple of people as he crosses the common room, he shouts an apology as he exits, he doesn't even need to check the Marauder's map, he runs without stopping all the way up to the Astronomy Tower.

He opens the door, and he finds Regulus curled up against the wall.

Regulus raises his head when he hears the door opens, the light of the moon makes the tears in his eyes shine. James would like to be able to make them disappear together with anything that can cause Regulus pain.

"Come to stay at mine for the summer", says James.


"No, better come to live with me! Permanently".

Regulus smiles softly. "I can't. You know I can't", Regulus murmurs.

"Please", James pleads.

Regulus doesn't answer and lies down under the stars.

"Do you remember last time we were here?", Regulus says.

"I loved it. Can you show me your star again?", says James rolling on his back.

Regulus points at it, James brings his head closer to Regulus', and tries to memorize its position and all the constellations around it. He wants to be able to look up at the sky at any time and have a piece of Regulus before his eyes.

"It was the first time I felt what you smell like for me", says Regulus. "Pines and broom polish".

James looks at him and cups his cheek, "You smell like old books and rain". Regulus smiles.

"But why did you say you were scared of smelling Amortentia?", says Regulus.

"It is supposed to smell like your one true love. I was scared it wouldn't smell like you". James feels his cheeks heat up, and he's scared he has gone too far, that he has scared Regulus.

Regulus looks at him in awe. "But don't worry", he quickly adds. "I didn't smell it, so we don't know if you're actually stuck with me forever", he tries to joke.

Regulus is not smiling, he turns on his side, cradles James' cheek and pulls him until their lips meet. Regulus is kissing him gently and sweetly, his hand barely brushing James' skin. James strokes his side and feels like the most special thing in the world under Regulus' delicate touch.

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