I'm Here For You🌸🍴⚘️

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Its 12 am and I've been reading smutty Ranpoe fics for 2 hours because I was crying and then I thought, you know what I really want right now? To cuddle an attractive man telling me it's alright. 


I was like, that is a lovely idea for a thingy-ma-thingy!

so les go


Tsukasa POV:

Shit. I cant be crying! Rui is supposed to come over. What am I even crying over anyway? Shitty parents and failing school would never upset a star like me! This is so fucking confusing. I just want to lay in bed and scream. There it is again, tears. I slap myself.


Stars do not cry. My boyfriend can't see me like this anyway. He should be here any minute. I walk to the bathroom and clean up. Maybe he wont be able to tell I've been crying...

I hear the doorbell ring. FUCK! 

"Oniichan!" Saki yells, "Its for you!" I bolt down the steps and hug Rui.

"Hello to you too, Tsukasa." He chuckles. I drag him to my room. Once we're there, I kiss him as a welcome. 

"I wish I could tell them about us.." I hug him again.

"Me too." He says, "Are you okay?" He moves my bangs from my eyes. "Have you been crying, love?" I freeze.

"N-no?" I look away. He turns me to face him. 

"You can tell me. I am your boyfriend, right?" I nod, "Then tell me. Don't be embarrassed to cry in front of me." this breaks me. I fall into his arms and sob. 

"I'm just so fuc-cking s-sick of my p-parents and I'm f-failing school a-and all my fr-riends are leaving m-me and-" I let out another cry. 

"Shh..." He holds me tight and we lay down. He lets me cry and it just makes me love him more. "You know how much I absolutely adore and love you, don't you darling?" He kisses my cheek, which is now wet with tears. 

"Y-yes.." I respond.

"Then even if you do lose your friends, or if you fail a class, I'm here, and I always will be." He covers us up with a blanket. "Try and get some rest." He smiles at me. I nod and he kisses the top of my head. 



I walk happily to my brothers room with my girlfriend, Ichika. 

"Do you think he's in there?" She asks. 

"Of course!" I knock on the door but go in anyway. "Oniicha-" I see Tsukasa and Rui laying in bed sleeping together. I shut the door and turn to Ichika. "EEE!!" I squeal in happiness, "Ichi! Did you see that?!~" I hug her in excitement. 

"S-shh! Saki they're sleeping!- And why exactly are you this happy about your brother possibly having a boyfriend..?" She chuckles and kisses my forehead. "Lets go watch a movie or something." 


someone hug me

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