Gift Giving For Our Little Star🌸

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WJWOWIEJE late Christmas


age regression because I finally found someone who can be my caregiver ksjcbkjdsb kdsbkvbdskjbvkjdsbkvbdskjbcjksdbkjcbsjsc and I'm finally comfortable sharing 👍


Not proofread, please point out any mistakes!!!!!!!!

Okay enjoy :3


3rd POV

It was peaceful for a while. Tsukasa was busy backstage playing with his stuffies. He hummed happily and took a sip of juice. Rocking back and forth, he said, "I will nevwer eber be defea'ed by you dwagon!" Giggling, he begins to say the next line with his dragon stuffy but all of a sudden...

"Tsukasa-kun, Tsukasa-kun!" Emu runs up to Tsukasa and gives him a hug. He falls back a little but she keeps hugging him.

"Mmn...." Tsukasa whines, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. Emu takes note and backs off with a smile.

"Sorry, Tsukasa-kun! I'm just so so sooo excited to give you your gift!!!" Emu jumps up and down. This gets Tsukasa excited. Not knowing really what to do, he starts jumping with her.

"Emu-nee gotted 'ukasa pwesent?!" He asks happily.

"Uh huh!!" She grabs onto the others hands and starts jumping in circles. "WEEEE!!! Does Tsu-Tsu like spinny?!" Emu laughs and Tsukasa does too.

"Yea, yea!!" He smiles. "No more. Tsu-Tsu no sick..." 

Emu immediately stops and hugs him.

"The others should be here soon!" She says and right on cue, Rui and Nene walk backstage. Tsukasa gasps and smiles brightly.

"Ne-nee and Rui-nii!!!" Tsukasa claps his hands happily. 

The others admire how cute he is. They love being his caregivers. If they were being honest, they were confused in the beginning. But now, they are glad Tsukasa is comfortable enough to be this way around them. 

"Hello, my little star~ Merry Christmas!" Rui hugged Tsukasa. "Do you know how old you are, my dear?"

"'s 6 years!!" Tsukasa announces proudly. "'M 's big kid!"

"Not quite but you're getting there, little one." Rui pats his head.

"But.... 's six whole years..." Tsukasa starts tearing up. He really thought he was a big kid now! 

"I think Tsu-Tsu is a big kid! 6 is a waaaaay big number! He can even ride the super scary roller coaster!!!!" Emu chimes in. Rui and Nene sigh appreciatively, quietly thanking the smaller.

"'s true Ne-nee?" Tsukasa turns to Nene with misty eyes.

"Of course. Tsukasa is a very big kid." Nene gives him a reassuring kiss on the forehead.

"T'ank you Ne-nee!" Tsukasa suddenly beams with happiness. 

"Well... Nene- chan and Emu-kun have changed my mind. Tsukasa-kun is a big kid." Rui smiles and also gives Tsukasa a kiss, this one on his cheek.

"I WANNA GIVE TSU-TSU KISSES!!!" Emu rushes towards him and kisses the tip of his nose. Tsukasa blushes a dark red, embarrassed. 

"Well, I suppose it's time to exchange gifts." Rui gestures to the nicely wrapped presents in his hand. 

"I guess so." Nene picks up some gifts she left backstage yesterday and hands them out. 

"T'ank you Ne-nee!" Tsukasa giggles. 

"You're welcome." She smiles sweetly, unlike her usual self. Something the rest of them admires. She has never made Tsukasa mad or upset when he does this. She doesn't tease him but replaces her usual daggers with heartfelt and gentle words. "Go ahead and open them." She urges. 

They all rip open the festive wrapping paper, exposing a different gift with each one. 

"THE NECKLACE I SAID MY GRANDPA HAD?!" Emu says through tears, truly grateful. She hugs Nene as tight as she can.

"L-let go some..."

Next to speak is Rui, "Aww, this robot kit is adorable. Thank you Nene-chan." Rui kisses her head and she blushes. 

"It's no p-problem..."

Now, the eager Tsukasa had finished unwrapping the gift. He squeals happily at the sight of a new sippy cup. It's light blue with pink flowers all over. There was even his name on it! 

"'s so cute Ne-nee!" He continues to look at it. 

"I've already washed it so you can put your apple juice in it now!" Nene grabs his plain cup—which has made him spill way too much— and fills his new one with the sweet juice. "Try it out." She hands him the cup and he immediately starts drinking from it, taking as big of sips as the little drinking hole allows him. 

Pulling back from the cup, he smiles. "'t works 'nd 's yummy!" His eyes sparkle with joy. 

"I'm so glad you like it." Nene giggles.

The rest of the group exchanges gifts with smiles on their faces. Emu gets a bag of candy from Rui. Tsukasa gets a cute pacifier from Emu and a coloring book from Rui. Nene gets a Nintendo Switch case from Rui and a beautiful ring from Emu. Now though, it's time for Tsukasa to hands out his gifts.

"Here 'ou go." He stands proudly as they each open their presents. 

They all had matching stuffies. Emu had a pink bunny, Nene had a green bunny, and Rui had a purple bunny. 

"These are so adorable!" Emu cries. "But.... Doesn't Tsu-Tsu need one?" 

"Mhm! 'lready gotted one!" He hold up his yellow bunny happily. "Had dis bunny for long time! 'nd now Rui-nii 'nd Emu-nee 'nd Ne-nee has bunnies!!"

"This is the best gift I've ever gotten, thank you, Tsukasa-kun." Rui hugs the little one tightly and kisses the top of his head. 

"Me too, thank you, Tsukasa." Nene joins in the hug.

They all look over at Emu, who was crying her eyes out. 

Uh oh... Tsukasa thinks, Does Emu-nee not like m' gift...? Then, he begins crying too. His worries are washed away when Emu comes and squeezes Tsukasa with the tightest hug ever. 

"THANK YOU TSU-TSU!!!" She sobs.

"Hm...? Emu-nee sad...?" Tsukasa sniffles. 

"NOT AT ALL!" She yells, continuing to wail loudly.

"Mmn...." Tsukasa covers his ears.

"Oh. Sorry Tsu-Tsu...." She tries her best to stop crying. 

"'s okay." Tsukasa hugs her back. 

Soon, everyone pulls off of poor Tsukasa. 

"Thank you for the gifts everyone." Rui says. 

"Yes, thank you guys." Nene smiles.

"Thank you!!!! All of the gifts were SUPER WONDERHOY!!!" Emu yells.

"Gif's were very good. T'ank you." Tsukasa says almost shyly.

"Anything for you, our little star." Rui says. 



This is the most effort I've put into something for a while. Zoinks

Sorry for this not being the smut. In haven't been in the mood to write one at all 😔😰😭😭😭

I have cried so fucking much within the past few days 😘 literally like I haven't gone 10 minutes without breaking into tears and sobbing😜🤪

Uhhh alsoooo if anyone's awake rn I need to regress nd I hate doing in on my own😔🥺 (hint hint) ILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY STUFFIESSSSSS

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