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Lesbian ruikasa<3

This isn't proofread 🙄🙄🙄

Finishing this to distract me from crying🔥🔥🔥


Rui POV:

I arrive at Tsu-chan's house, holding a bag containg a pillow, a pair of clothes, and a tooth brush. Just as I knock, the door swings open. 

"Hello, Rui! Come in." Tsu greets me and I walk inside. 

"Your house is huge..." I say in astonishment. 

"Hehe... My family makes a lot of money.. It comes in handy for Sakis hospital bills." She tries to joke, but it's honestly kinda depressing. "Anyway, let's go to my room." She grabs me and we go to her bedroom. 

It's really big and clean. The opposite of mine. I only clean if Tsukasa is coming over. 

"Sorry for the mess..." she sighs, somehow picking up more from the floor.

"Mess?" I laugh.

"Shut up. I like to be clean!" She defends.

"Whatever you say, princess." I sit on her comfortable bed. "Ah~ it's so lovely here...I wish I lived here..." 

"Me too. Maybe one day." She smiles, grabbing a kit. With what in it? I couldn't tell you.

She sits on the floor and opens the box. Inside is anything you really need for a sleepover... makeup, hair accessories, bracelet materials, and even skincare items.

"Woah." I say in astonishment,

"What do we wanna use first?"


In the end, we made 2 bracelets each, we both had makeup done by the other (somehow I did worse) and our skin felt refreshed.

Now, we lay in bed and slowly fall asleep. I'm holding her tight, one arm around her.

"I had so much fun...I love you dear" I kiss her head as I feel her falling asleep.

"Mmm... love you too..." 

She falls asleep and i smile.

I can't believe this beautiful girl is mine.


Fluffy and short I'm sorry💔😭

Hopefully I'll be able to write more before I fall asleep.

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