The Prime Directive of 2165

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Lord Patrick William Howard, Senior Peer of Star Base 12 calls a council meeting with the other Lords on Star Base 12 along in attendance was Starfleet Command and The United Federation of Planet President, Jane Hathaway, and it was to establish rules.

Lord Patrick William tells Star-Fleet Command, Commander Nelson and President Hathway, " We need this prime directive to keep law and order within Star Base 12 and it will help us to keep our Dukedoms."

President Hathaway looks at Lord Patrick William and says " The United Federation of Planets and Star-Fleet Command are willing to listen."

"Please tell us about the Prime Directive you wish to implement here on Star Base 12." President Hathaway asks.

"Madame President. I have listed them here and he starts to read it 1. No Lord may cross over into each other Dukedom, or Earldom without consent and they must meet each other at the border." 2. This will prevent discord between us." 3. It will prevent wars between the lords like it did in Europe." 4. It keeps the peace between us." "

"Lord Howard. The Prime Directive does not set up the succession and who has the right to succeed the fathers. It must state that both daughters and sons may inherit the title, property of his or her father regardless of the child' sex. We live in the 23rd century." President Hathway states.

"Furthermore, Lord Howard. No younger son or brother may supplant an older daughter or sister from the right to inherit." President Hathaway states.

"The United Federation of Planets and Star-Fleet Command have many women now." President Hathway states.

"The United Federation of Planets will not support any Prime Directive that doesn't include the rights of women and other human beings." President Hathway states.

"The Lords and you must include daughters in your act of succession." President Hathway states.

"If a daughter is born before your son and she is the oldest child. She has the right to inherit the title, property from her father." President Hathway states.

"We will only support your Prime Directive if all the requirements are made." President Hathaway states, " Or the provincial government will remain intact on Star Base 12."

"Star-Fleet Command will send a Star-Ship around this sector and report any incidents." President Hathway tells the Lords of Star Base 12.

"Star-Fleet Command nor The United Federation of Planets won't interfere with how you raise your children, but we don't treat parents very kindly that abuse or neglect their children, and I can assure you that Federation Penal Colonies are not nice." President Hathway states.

"Once you have modified your Prime Directive and done what we have asked we will ratify it." President Hathaway tells the Lords of Star Base 12.

Lord Edmund Beaufort has no problem with leaving his Dukedom and Territory to his daughter, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort, but the rest of Lords have a problem, but they modify it so that their daughters are placed only after any sons are born and if they fail to have any descendants.

President Hathway doesn't rectify the Prime Directive of 2165, when it doesn't meet her requirements and Star Base 8, 10 and 12 are regularly patrolled by one of 12 Starships and they record and report any infrastructure of the rules to Starfleet Command and in turn Starfleet Command reports it to The United Federation of Planets.

The Lords are granted the right to govern their Dukedoms and territories, and they are granted the right to forbid or exile any other lord and his family for crossing over into his territory or Dukedom without consent for the sake of preventing wars of starting on Star Base 10 and 12 between the Lords. 

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