Chapter 6

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Kris was pacing around the record label lobby, looking at her phone, seeing the clock ticking and no message indicating any delay, before her face lit up as she saw the fiery redhead arrive, approaching for the embrace.

"Are you okay, Tilly?

— Still nervous.

— It's going to be fine," she reassures her as she takes the elevator. "So, I worked hard, I prefer to warn you, it's weird. You will see Kate on a giant screen and hear her. I finished around three in the morning, I jumped when I heard her, I thought she was there, in the same room as me. It did something to me, I prefer that you know what to expect."

Driving Tilly to the studio reserved for her, Kris introduces her to the musicians and all of them confirm that they are ready for this musical experience, then driving her to the control room she shows Tilly her installation. Asking her to sit down, she turns on the TV and plays the video. Kate fills the room with her voice, her kindness and her beauty.

"Hey you! I missed you," said Kate.

"You too," replies Tilly mechanically.

"So, what are you going to do today?

— I'm going to work on your songs.

— I trust you, it's going to be great, as always. I love you, you know."

Kris cuts the video and looks at Tilly, her eyes moist, happy.

"How did you do that?" wonders Tilly.

"Kate made me a video for when she was going on tour and I couldn't follow her, she talks to me like that, giving me time to answer her.

— Would... I mean, could I...

— I'll make you a copy, of course.

— Ok thank you. I feel good. We can start."

Tilly pulls out the photocopies of the songs that interest her and joins the musicians, giving them the sheet music and, taking them one by one, explains how she feels. The musicians understand the concept and, starting with the first, Tilly begins with gestures, noises with her mouth, imitating musical instruments, the kind of sound she sees. For almost an hour, the musicians try to adapt to Tilly, to her way of working, and when something emerges that she likes, and they listen to the audio, they bow and applaud. Knocking on the door, a security guard opens it and, with a smile, lets Cameron and Uma in. Cameron throws herself into Kris's arms, kissing her so much she missed her, having seen little since the funeral.

— It's scary," says Kris looking at her. "Admit it, Tilly. She's an absolute clone of Kate. I mean... shit!

— Not too tired from the road?" asks Tilly, smiling.

"No, it's fine.

— You want to please me? Take this text, go into the room, read it, then sing it, as you feel. The musicians will adapt the length to the text. You, yourself will adapt to the rhythm.

— I can't sing Tilly.

— For me, please try. Uma, do you want to go too?"

Tilly explains to the musicians that they will make attempts. Cameron reads the text while listening to the melody, then tries, starts again, again, and again, until she settles on the rhythm. Uma improvises by accompanying her on the choruses, making Cameron smile who is gaining confidence. Kris smiled, slapping her thigh, satisfied.

"You are awesome, Tilly!

— Cameron, Uma, it's great. We do it again. Can you go a little low in the last verse? You see, you normally end at "I've got to end this darkness" then you resume in a more serious tone at "Before it reaches my kindness", a bit like whispering it in an ear, an intimate thing.

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