Chapter 22

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Waking up in the night, Harper takes the opportunity to install the mini-cameras he bought, connecting to the IP address and scheduling backups on a cloud. Checking their positions, he now has an unobtrusive view of Ella's door, his own, and both sides of the hallway. Anyone approaching would be identified. Whoever would go to the cafe to post a message would be identified. Retrieving his blanket, he goes back to Ella's room covering her and covering himself in turn, hugging her. When he wakes up, two green eyes stare at him, with his good hand he pulls a lock of hair to slip it behind her ear.

"You snore," she said without formality.

"Are you warm with my blanket?" he smiled without looking up.

"Yeah. Did you grope me last night?

— Yes, I took advantage of the situation a bit, you know me, I can't resist your magnetic charm," smiled Harper.

"Do you want to sleep with me?

— Sleep? We don't fuck anymore?

— If you want me, I'll let it go" said Ella, taking off her T-shirt.

"Ella," whispers Harper, pulling the blanket over her, hiding her nudity.

"You don't want me?" she asks, surprised.

"I have a girlfriend, remember? I love her. I like you, Ella, as a friend. I'll help you find who's bothering you and especially who hit you. Those I will take care of personally. Are you hungry ? I invite you. A good breakfast. Then you're going to take me to the store where you did your shopping and we're going to take the same route. I want you to tell me everything you remember. Then we will fight."

Dressing, he approaches the bed, Ella snuggling up behind the covers, placing a peck on his head.

"I slept well, it was nice to feel a presence.

— It's true," smiled Ella.

"Get ready, I'm going to the bathroom."

Guzzling breakfast, he took Ella by the arm that clung to him, laughing, walking to the mini supermarket where he bought some odds and ends, but he's more interested in checking if there are indoor and outdoor cameras, wanting to see if Ella had been followed since she left the store. A sticker on the door gave him the name of the security company. Picking up Ella's arm again, she smiled and chatted, clinging to his arm all the time, then took his arm and slung it over her shoulder.

"It's here," she said as he turned his head, pretending to whisper in her ear as she put her arms around his neck.

"The snow covered everything.

— The two came from behind, the girl was behind this panel.

— That's good," Harper smiled.

— You think?

— Yes, because a camera films in this direction, to have a point of view of the entry, I would have to find images. Ready?"

Harper leaves a kiss on her head as they walk back to the dorm, his arm still on her shoulder, thus entering the residence, under the gaze of the few students stuck in the university. With a wave of his hand, Harper greets those he knows, no more, heading, hugging Ella against him.

"Now we're a couple," mutters Harper.

"Do you want to consummate your relationship, my darling?" Ella smiled.

"Why not? asks Harper, pinning her against the elevator wall, whispering in her ear. "Now I'm going to work a little, hack what I can," he explains as she wraps her hands around his head. "You stay in your room, just in case. If you're bored, come to mine. You want to go to the bathroom, come get me.

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