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Today is my anniversary of being together with Hyunsuk for 5 years. I met him during the Treasure survival show and our relationship was private until 3 years ago the manager announced it. At first, fans were shocked but they got used to it. I'm still here at YG waiting for Hyunsuk.

"Sukie, today is the day," I said. "It has been 5 years, time flies so fast." He nodded, every time I visited him he was always working on something new. Another producer walked in and he gave us an anniversary gift.

"I can't believe it has been 5 years and I'm surprised y'all haven't married yet," he said. "Please tell me you will get married soon, I bought this new suit for nothing."

"We are thinking about it but I'm busy and he's also busy so it's hard for us," I said. "I hope one day we will get married." After Hyunsuk finished his project we left for a date and some members were outside waiting to give us a gift. "I'm surprised we last this long together, everyone loves us."

Tonight Hyunsuk reserved a table at a fancy restaurant for our romantic dinner and 5 years of being together. Everyone appreciates and respects us. After the amazing dinner and gift from him, I went back to YG because there were some songs I needed to work on and Hyunsuk decided to wait for me.

"Hyunsuk, are you sleeping already?" I ask and he sits up. "You can watch me play." For today I'm working on a Hello Treasure guitar cover. There are some good parts but it still needs work before publishing.

"Luna, can we work at home?" Hyunsuk said. "You have a studio at home." After looking at him for a while I agree because he will whine if I don't, and the company allows me to use my guitar.


I immediately jumped to bed when I got home waiting for Luna to finish what she was doing. It was currently 1:00 am and she was still working. There was news about us and fans were surprised our relationship went on this long. A few minutes later she lay next to me on the bed while breathing out hard.

"Did you finish it?" I ask. She shakes her head no and sighs while looking at me deeply. "We have been together for 5 years and you still look at me with that eye, let's sleep, maybe you can figure it out tomorrow."

I close my eyes while hugging her tight, she is still falling for me like the first day I met her.

"Sukie," she said. "I can imagine the day we get married." She turns around to look at me. "Sukie, Jihoon is spam texting me asking why you didn't answer his phone."

I open my eyes and look at my phone to see many messages from members' group chat plus Jihoon's spam call. There wasn't anything important so I texted Jihoon before going to sleep.


I woke up early to get the day started while Hyunsuk was still sleeping peacefully, my routine was normal feeding our cat and fish. An hour later when I was drinking my coffee I felt a pair of arms grab around my back and hug me tightly.

"Good morning, Sukie," I said while patting his head. "Eat your breakfast, I need to go to work soon."

While he was eating I went upstairs to pack my guitar and other things for work. I know Hyunsuk is going to be busy with the upcoming schedule and I don't mind.

"Sukie, I'm leaving for work," I said. "See you at YG, don't be late." I kissed him before leaving, and a lot of people were surprised that I drove a motorcycle to work rather than a car but someone managed to carry my guitar on my back.

"You are here early," one of the producers said. "Where is your boyfriend? Did you leave him?" I laughed and walked to my studio room while answering his question.

"He is still eating at home, he is going to meet Treasure before leaving for work," I said. "Sometimes he values his members more than me but I do that too sometimes." The other producers said goodbye and left. I share this studio with Yoshi because Hyunsuk already has a partner to work with. An hour later there was some noise outside and Yoshi and Asahi arrived at the studio. "Good morning the two wonderful producers."

"You are here early," Yoshi said. "Is hyung being too noisy for you?" Hyunsuk opened the door and peeked inside to see.

"I heard that and no I wasn't being too noisy to her," he said which made me laugh. "She left without me, have fun working." He closed the door and left, Asahi most of the time stayed here but he had his studio.

"You are so lucky to have someone like hyung," Asahi said to me. "Make sure to not lose him, if you do I won't be surprised. He too is attached to Jihoon Hyung nowadays." There was a knock and Jihoon appeared looking not happy about how Asahi talked about him and Hyunsuk.

"Jihoon you look so cute while pouting," I said. "I need to do my work, I will talk to you later." I kick Jihoon out of the room and sigh, how can I deal with these guys? My beat is connected and I put it over my ear, the plan for today is to finish editing 'Hello' guitar cover and then publish it.

There a lot of people are waiting for this cover, especially Teume, a lot of people have requested me to do 'Here I Stand' but I'm going to be busy for the next couple of days also Treasure holding a fan meet soon and of course, I was forced to volunteer as one of the security guards.

Yoshi suddenly taps on my shoulder telling me it was lunch time which means I had been working nonstop and the song is finished, Yoshi and Asahi will get to hear it first.

"Woah, this is so good," Asahi said. "Now I know why YG treasures you a lot and Hyung too." Today I went to eat lunch with another producer to discuss the upcoming project for my solo debut since everyone thinks I would be a good singer and guitarist but I don't know if I should debut since I'm okay with what I'm doing right now.

"You should debut," the producers said. "Fans will love you and your voice is perfect, maybe you can sing and play the guitar. I know you want to be part of the YG band but I think being an idol fits you better."


Today there was a short lunch for us because there is an upcoming show and there are still things that need to be polished. While walking to the practice room I heard the manager talking to the head producers about finding another female producer for the team. I'm sure he is against it because everyone likes Hwa and how she makes music.

"Hyung, I heard the company is looking for female producers," Junghwan said. "Do we need another one? I like Luna and her style." I shrug and tell him to focus on practice, this isn't my business but I do want to know a bit more.


The first chapter has ended. Do you think YG will find a female producer?

Instagram: Lil_shuaaa

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