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I woke up to see Jihoon and Doyoung getting ready to go to work. Yesterday it felt like a nightmare. The person I loved for 5 years now is gone from me, I don't know how to react or feel.

"Good morning," Jihoon said. "I'm leaving for work with Doyoung early to prepare for the concert tonight, see you there." I rush to get ready because I want to go with them today, a van is waiting in the front ready to go to YG. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, not great but better," I answered. "I still can't believe it happened, I expected something like that to happen in the future but I didn't know he would be the one to say let's break up." Jihoon and Doyoung have been trying to confront me since yesterday night after what happened. That's why they were sleeping on the two bean bags I had in my room. When I got there the two receptionists greeted me like normal and I went to my studio avoiding Hyunsuk, or Mina.

Today's fansign is going to be awkward because I will have to see Hyunsuk face-to-face and probably won't say anything but I'm happy to see other members and get their autographs. I sit for the concert in the middle of the big stage and most members gather there.

"Hey, here's what you need for the concert and your safety," one of the producers handed me stuff that Hyunsuk had pre-wrote before the breakup. "Even though you two broke up he want to keep you safe, good luck on meeting him face to face at fansign." I went outside with him to see Hyunsuk standing near the corner. He looked a bit sad but okay.

🦈Hyunsuk 🦈

I watch her walk away without looking at me, tonight is the concert plus her parents are coming hopefully not. I don't know how I feel, probably holding my tears on stage, fans probably know about this.

The manager called a meeting because of this situation and a quick talk before the concert. I'm expected to receive a gift from rich Teume and an expensive venue.

"Hyunsuk, I don't know why you said it but we will respect your decision," the manager said. "Hope for the best, I know it hurt to break up with someone but Teume doesn't want to see you cry."

The meeting ended and I left for my studio while Jihoon followed behind. My mind is not good right now. This was my first time performing in front of her but not having any interaction, she dyed her hair for our concert and I ruined it.

"Hyung, I know you miss her but let's perform well and forget about it," Jihoon said. "She misses you too but won't listen to your apology anymore."

Skip time to before fansign

The manager wants us to leave for the destination early to get out of traffic. I feel nervous because she will be in front of me during the fansign and concert. I know she is mad at me and I understand why, over the years the way I treat her isn't like what another boyfriend is. Sometimes she sleeps alone because I was too caught up in my work and even almost forgot her birthday. Letting her go is probably a better choice. She deserves to find someone who cares and stays by herself forever.

Once we arrived we cheered for our group and headed into the back room for makeup and styling. I know Luna is going to look lovely tonight and the clothes she is wearing are my gift. While the staff was setting up, I peek out to see Luna talking to her friend happily while holding Jihoon's decorated lightstick.

"Cheer up, hyung," Junghwan said. "It's going to be fine, fans will understand." The fansign begins, I walk out first then the rest of the members take a sit, all Teume look lovely today but when it comes to Luna, I feel shy and awkward.

"You came," I said. I wanted to say you look lovely but I can't. "I hope you enjoy the concert." Before she left she said something that made my heart melt, it was something that other members couldn't hear but I can. Jihoon try to ask her but she change the topic, I laughed a bit and talk to the next Teume. Fansign went by fast and there was a break in between before the concert.

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