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I woke up early to see Hyunsuk still sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed, his hair so fluffy and messy. Someone was calling him and when I looked over it was Mina.

"Hyunsuk!" I said loudly. "Wake up, someone is calling you." He turns his head over and looks at the phone screen, Mina probably told him something that makes him shocked and jumps out of bed quickly. I was a bit confused but at the same time, I don't care about anything, for today's outfit is short with platform boots and a crop top shirt.

When I stepped out of the bathroom Hyunsuk was still talking to Mina on the phone, she told him someone that made Hyun Suk smile.

"Good morning Luna," he said. "How was your sleep?" I ignored him while getting my stuff ready for today's T-map filming. He sneaks and hugs me from behind. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"Nothing," I answered, breaking free from his hug. "I have to go somewhere, I will be there at the filming spot for T-map." TC was by the door waiting for me with a motorcycle helmet, Hyunsuk wasn't happy but another phone call distracted him. "TC, let's go."

On the way downstairs, TC asks me a few questions but I don't mind answering them.

"He still stays with you even though you two broke up already?" TC asks. "You still love him." I waited in the front for TC to get his motorcycle, some Treasure member was waiting outside. Since me and TC are popular in Japan I have to wear a mask and hat just in case fans surround us, I don't need another rumor revolving around me with someone else.

"Are we going to the beach?" I asked and he nodded. We are going to the beach because something happens there that marks our life forever and it has been years since the accident happened. The drive was 57 minutes but since the road is empty it only took around 30 minutes to get there, the air felt the same as the day the accident happened. "It has been 3 years since the accident and I still feel like it happened yesterday."

"Yeah," he said. "It was a hard day, I hope you feel better up there. We all miss you."

(Back story: TC and Luna used to be a couple in high school, TC bought her a dog and its name was Wolfie. Everything was going well until one day they went to Tokyo's beach together and something happened. Wolfie saved a child from drowning but a big wave pulled him out and he died.)

After a quick visit to Wolfie's grave, TC took me back to the hotel for me to get ready for T-map filming. I'm not wearing this outfit because Hyunsuk and Jihoon will get mad so I changed into normal pants and a T-shirt that I took from Jinu oppa.


The bus took us to the filming set first then a few minutes later Luna arrived in a new outfit. For this T-map, the theme was camping in the forest for the day and tomorrow morning. I don't know if Luna is going home or staying here, I hope she stays here since it would be a bit more fun. 

Skip time

Around an hour later the filming for T-map is finished, and Luna stays back because going back is not fun. She filmed her vlog but didn't spill anything about the T-map, there were clothes prepared for us and an extra pair for Luna. Not a lot of things to do here but this is like bonding and having fun with each other rather than working on our stuff separately, I watch her from afar.

"Luna," I said standing next to her. "Are you mad at me?" She turns off her vlog camera and walks away. I was a bit confused but the manager told me to not mind her because something happened today 7 years ago. I didn't understand why she hid it from me, when we were still together she said nothing about her past relationship and pet dog.

"Hyung do you think it strange that she hid this away from you?" Jeongwoo asked. "As it happened before your relationship but she mentioned nothing. Did she tell you about her previous boyfriend in high school?"

I shake my head no, it's weird that we promised to tell each other everything and now she didn't tell me what happened in high school. Maybe she was in Japan at that time. The manager told me not to ask her suddenly because there is something wrong and she doesn't want to say it yet, he also said there might be a Live from her tonight with TC to explain the situation to new fans and other confused people.

"Who is TC?" Junkyu asked. "Is TC her ex-boyfriend who gave her a dog?"

"Yes, he's Japanese," Jihoon said. "The dog that he gave her was named Wolfie, I met Wolfie twice before the accident happened." I was a bit confused about how Jihoon knew about this more than I did. Haruto, Yoshi, and Asahi seem to know about it too so I decided to get to the bottom of this. "Hyung, that's not a good idea."

"I know but waiting for her Live is so long and she might not express everything," I said but before I could ask her she was getting ready to go somewhere. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going somewhere with TC, I will be back later," she said and left with a motorcycle helmet. I was a bit confused why she is still hanging out with her ex-boyfriend. After I left, I went outside to sit on the swing near the lake.

"I told you, she won't say anything," Haruto said. "Don't worry you will know when she lives tonight."


I went with TC to the military base because when I visit Japan I always go there, since Wolfie was a trained military dog every year there is a tradition to honor her. Even though it has been 7 years but everyone still remembers and misses her dearly, honoring her wasn't that long since everyone had class and work to do.

TC drove me back to the campsite before it started raining, it felt weird to not greet Hyunsuk like how I used to do but it was okay. It began to rain a bit outside and everyone gathered their stuff to go back inside, there will be a game later on tonight and another part for Treasure T-map. I'm nervous because I would have to participate and Hyunsuk would be there, he might try to team up with me.

I Live on my weverse account earlier than expected because it would be easier for me to say it now before I forget, many people already joined when Live just started.

"Hello everyone," I said to the camera. "Today there is something I want to tell you that is why all Treasure members are here today and I request for this Live to be on my account and Treasure account. Not everyone is aware of what happened today 7 years ago, some of you might but I know I gained a lot of new fans and they need to know too. So today marks 7 years since Wolfie dies from saving a child from drowning in the ocean, Woflie was a dog given to me by TC."

"She was a sweet girl, the first military female dog to pass all training," I said. "Everyone loves her, even YG artists. The day this happened it was tough. After she got pulled out into the ocean by a deep wave I already knew she wouldn't make it even if they attempted CPR and another thing to bring her back, she died peacefully in my arms next to TC. The reason why I didn't mention this while I was with Hyunsuk is that I agree with Treasure's manager to keep this tragedy quiet and honor her when the time comes. Thank you, everyone, for the support and lovely message, thank you for joining the Live to hear a quick story. I will see you next time."

This is my first short Weverse, my longest one was 5 hours. I spend time talking to fans. At that time Hyunsuk was still my boyfriend, and after the Live was over everyone went back to what they were doing before and the rain ended so I went outside. Sitting on a swing makes me remember how Wolfie would always attempt to push me even when she can't. I miss the old times but now I have Mr. Meow and Chilli to keep me happy.


Long chapter, do you think Luna and Hyunsuk will be friends?

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