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I woke up early to prepare my outfit to meet the current Dplus kia current team member. I'm kinda nervous but it's going to be fun and I'm not sure where they will put me, probably a team sub-member or assistant coach. The drive was far from my apartment but I don't mind, going to YG is longer than the Dplus Kia building.

The road was smooth and clear since no one is out at 8 am on a Saturday. Once I got there a team member welcomed me with a bright smile.

"Welcome Luna," someone I think named Deft said. "Don't worry DK team is nice and funny." Deft is so tall for me but Showmaker is my height, everyone was welcoming and nice.

"This is the Dplus Kia team," The head coach said. "Canna, Canyon, Showmaker, Deft, and Kellin plus Rahel. Welcome to the Dplus Kia team, enjoy your time."

"Hi Luna, please sit here," another coach said. "My name is Gorilla. I will be your talk person for today, once again welcome to Dplus Kia. I discussed a lot with the head coach and the decision is for you to be an assistant coach and substitute player but don't worry you will get your chances to play pro soon."

"Thank you for accepting my application," I said. "I'm very honored to be here today." Everyone is nice, even the coach. He shows me what I do and I can move to a closer place if I want to but he is okay with me living in my apartment right now. Top laner Canna was excited to see me. Maybe he is a fan of my music, Deft was a bit shy but he was very funny.

"Are you going to miss being a producer?" Showmaker asked. "I listened to your song before and it was really good and now you are substitutes for a team which is even better."

"Yeah, new start and new life," I said. Canna show me the rest of the building including the exercising place.


She didn't come to the office today because of something and I already miss her. There was a post from her with a pro gamer team and the caption was 'Dplus Kia official team welcome'.

I was a bit pissed so when she stopped by the company I pulled her in, Luna was surprised but I'm mad so it won't change a thing.

"What is this?" I ask to show her the retirement paper. "I thought you said producing is your life and now a picture with a pro gamer team."

"I'm moving on with life and that is my answer, I will retire soon and pursue my gaming career," she said. "I already got accepted into the team as a member and assistant coach."

"Now you can have free time in your life," she said. "I'm here to get my stuff, tomorrow I will give the retirement form." I sighed since there is nothing else I can do to talk to her about it. I know I will miss her but it's probably best to let her go since it would be better for us and everything that happens.

"Are you taking everything?" I ask. She removed everything and put it in their case plus another bag for safety, all of her decoration is gone and put away. This room is going to be empty soon and I know Yoshi will feel sad plus lonely, I don't know how Yoshi is going to react and Jihoon too. After watching her pack for a long time she gathered her stuff and went outside, luckily no one saw but there was a car park in the front waiting for her and it looked like one of the bodyguards for the pro gamer team.

"Was that Luna?" Yoshi asked. "I saw in the work office her desk is empty and all of the decorations are gone." Before I answered Yoshi, she texted me to tell Treasure everything. I called everyone to gather in my studio to talk about this. I also prepared tissues and everything for shock but the head studio followed along because he had something to say.

"So I call you here today for something," The head producer said. "Hyunsuk you might know Luna is retiring from being a producer but the paper you hold is fake, Luna already retired 2 days before. She came back today for her stuff, she told me a pro gamer team accepted her applications and they are giving her good money."

"What do you mean fake?" Jihoon asked. The producer shows the actual form and I see tears in Yoshi's eyes and Jihoon, this is going to be hard to accept. "She is going to retire."

"Yes, she just posted another picture," The head producer said. He showed us the picture and the caption is 'Officially Dplus Kia team member, the shirt is so beautiful', she looks so pretty and happy with the new team but I don't know if she is going to miss us or me. "That is all I'm going to say, I know it's hard but we need to support where Luna wants to go in the future. As of right now, she has already been accepted in a pro gamer team hoping for the best and hoping she will stay there."

I stay back to ask the producer for more information after everyone leaves but he promises Luna to keep the actual reaction away from me and other treasure members. I would go ask her personally but it is not going to be a good idea.


I gather all of my decorations and stuff from the office to my apartment plus some to Dplus Kia team's building, I have my own office and sleep area if I want to stay there but if I do Mr. Meow and Chili have to come along.

Canna showed me my office and I started to decorate everything, the room was spacious and big and I was enjoying my time. For no reason but I can tell Canna likes me a bit and it's okay for me, he is a fan.

After the decorating was complete, I went out to buy some stuff for my apartment and Canna insisted on coming.

"Canna, do you like me?" I asked. "You seem very close to me and so nice." He nodded a bit and smiled, the market was far away so I had to drive my motorcycle. "You don't have to come if you don't want to."

He waved and left to go inside. I know a lot of people who are a bit shy on a motorcycle, there is not a lot of stuff I need just a few minor things.

Canna is nice and lovely to me, the entire team is funny just like the producer team. I will miss my old workplace but the new one will fit me better and Hyunsuk would be relieved plus he can focus on being an idol and leader to treasure.


1 more chapters until finished.

Butterfly - C. Hyunsuk Where stories live. Discover now