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I woke up early and got ready to work. Jinu oppa is still sleeping on the couch but I think he has a schedule with Winner today.

"Wake up you lazy head," I said, throwing a pillow at him. "You're going to make me late, we're both going to be late." He woke up and got ready quickly, making me laugh. My plan for today is to work on my solo debut song beat and the lyrics will come later.

"Sukie," I went to hug him. Jihoon tries to pull me away but I hit his hand. "I can see your jealousy." Since Treasure doesn't have a schedule in the morning this is probably the first-time Weverse's Live is on my account after many years of quietness, fans are probably surprised but they will be excited also.

I have 3 monitors plus a MacBook so I still can work while they Live on my account. Every time they are in my studio it is always noisy and stuff moves around.

"Ya, you are so loud," I said to Jihoon and Hyunsuk. "I'm going to get some stuff from the front office, do not mess anything up." I left quickly hoping they didn't mess anything up, the front desk called me up for a package that had just arrived. I think about the new headphones and clothes I bought. When I came back they moved to the couch with my Macbook and everything was in its original place, Suki saw my package and sighed.

"You don't need another beat headphone," Sukie said. "And guitar wrap, just tell me if you want another one in a different color."

"You baby her a lot," Yoshi said. "Way too much but she gets me what I want." I laughed and told them to continue their lives and stop bothering me. Of course, Sukie didn't listen and called my name.

"Sukie, I'm trying to work, if I hear my name again you are out of the studio," I said and he quieted down. The environment was quiet until Jihoon whispered something to Yoshi. "Park Jihoon, I can hear that."

"I think Luna is mad," Yoshi whispered. "Let's end the Live here before she yells at us." Jihoon and Sukie left after the Live ended and Yoshi didn't say anything. "Hwa are you mad?"

"No, just annoying," I said. "Don't you have practice soon?" He shakes his head no and I continue working until Sukie texts me something.

Message from Sukie

Sukie: Baby, you kick me out of the room

Hwa: That only work on your fans

Sukie: Fighting baby, Daddy will be cheering for you

Hwa: Of course, you would say that word

Read at 10:30 am

(If you have not known, according to my Twitter friend Hyunsuk likes to refer to himself as Daddy and I don't know why.)

When we still hide our relationship he uses that word to flirt with fans including me, making fans wonder. It was hard for me to meet him so communicating on Weverse was the only choice and it's fine, he always replies to me even when I don't post anything.

"Luna, I wonder if hyung calls you baby and himself daddy?" Yoshi asked. "It has been a long time." I showed him my phone message and he nodded. "Same old hyung."

Lunchtime came and Sukie appeared to ask me to eat, of course, he referred to himself as Daddy even though we were in public. On the way to the restaurant, he took a picture with me and the caption was 'Daddy out with baby for lunch'. His fans went nuts even Treasure members, I was quiet while watching him reply to fans on his post.

"Fans said we should get married," Sukie said. "Which I officially can call you baby."

"Don't you call me baby already?" I ask while hitting him slightly. "Remember how you used to flirt over Weverse's posts and Live, you always use your word."

"I remember you always post on our own Weverse rather than yours," Sukie said. "What do you want to eat today?" I look at him with a smile and he knows already. "I know a good Sushi restaurant near here, I pay today. Eat whatever you want."


She looks excited to look at the menu, sushi is her favorite food and I love to see her smile when she eats.

"Luna, let's take a picture," I said. I took another picture with the caption 'Baby looks so happy while eating sushi' and of course, the fans went crazy and commented a lot. "Fans love your nickname."

She feeds me a couple of times before getting full but even though Luna is full there still is enough for boba, I didn't get any because today is not the boba day for me. On the way back I secretly took a sip out of her boba and she got mad at me.

"Ya, you said you don't want boba," she said slightly pushing me. "You drank most of my boba."

"Sorry, I promise to buy you another one," I said. "For the rest of the work time my schedule is busy so I will see you after work. Baby fighting!" I walked with her to the studio before leaving for dance practice. Today is not 'Good Boy' dance practice and I'm a bit sad. That was the only dance practice I could do with her and Jihoon.

Message to Luna

Me: I change your nickname to Luna as the contact

Hwa: I need to do my work

Me: Okay, see you later. Love you

During warmup, Mina appears to watch the dance practice season. I try to avoid her as much as possible but she still talks to me.

"Mina, I have a girlfriend," I said. "I know you like me but I don't like you." I didn't care that she was there because the concert is coming up and I want to show fans the best of me even if I'm tired or hurt.

The dance practice today was short because there was nothing else to fix just polishing some movements, Luna was waiting for me outside because she going home early and I don't have a schedule for the rest of the day just working on the song and other stuff but I couldn't since I need to stay back at YG for my song.

"Love, I can't go home with you," I said. "Sorry baby, there is some song I need to work on for the next comeback with Asahi and Yoshi. Jihoon will accompany you home." She nodded sadly and left with Jihoon. I feel bad but I have a job.


I left to go home without Sukie but with Jihoon, I understand he has a job but my studio is good enough for him to work on any song. So I ask Yoshi and Asahi plus Jinu oppa to keep an eye on Sukie, he is lying to stay back to talk to Mina or teach her some stuff.

"Luna, Yoshi just sent something," Jihoon said. He played the recording in my ear and I was shocked, Sukie liked the new producer while he dated someone else. I feel a bit sad but I can't say anything yet until it becomes more obvious, he must be thinking of something when acting this way. "Yoshi and Asahi will keep an eye on them and record some more stuff for you, Luna don't cry. I know hyung makes a mistake, he probably regrets it soon."


Chapter 6 is finished. Hyunsuk is already starting to like the other girl.

Instagram: Lil_shuaaa

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