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I still can't get my mind around Luna's new picture with the new team, she looks happy and excited even with the top laner. I don't know what is going on between her and Canna but I feel like he likes her a lot. I know she is going to do amazing in the new pro gamer team and one day I will watch her compete on stage and cheer.

"Hyung, how do you feel about seeing this picture?" Jihoon showed me and I was a bit mad. It was a talk show and they looked happy together, I was a bit concerned about why she was chosen with him and I found they used to be the top duo in T1. "Wait, she was on a pro game team before? Why didn't I know this?"

"I didn't know either, she played as a substitute for Canna," I said. "I don't know why she keeps things from me but at this point, I don't care anymore."

"It's so weird, I thought being a producer was her only job," Yoshi said. "Now I know why she has a lot of money. The article said 'Canna always shares his earned money with Luna, half of what he earns' so she was earning money already."

"Should we call her?" Junkyu asked. "We might know the answer," I tell Jihoon to call because she will decline mine, after ringing for a while Luna answers.

Call to Luna by Jihoon

[Jihoon, hi] -Luna
[Hey, I have a question about your latest post with Canna] -Yoshi
[Oh, he is my friend before I left T1 to become a producer] -Luna
[I didn't know you was in T1] -me
[You didn't know because at that time you were focusing on your music a lot] -Luna
[Wait, do you like Canna or Canna like you?] -Jihoon
[I don't like Canna a lot but he likes me] -Luna
[Ah I see, have a great day] -Jihoon

"Now you know the answer," Doyoung said. "I believe one day Luna and Canna might get together, sorry Hyunsuk Hyung but I think they will make a good couple."

I sighed a bit and left for my room, seeing her happy making happy but I miss her deeply.


I just finished an interview with Canna and it was fun, it has been a long time since we talk about the league together as a duo. I posted something on Instagram and a lot of my fans love it. Some of the old fans welcome me back to pro-gaming life.

"You look amazing today," Deft said. "And the video was good, y'all look good together as a duo." I left to go home early so it wouldn't rain badly and it would be dangerous to drive. Once I arrived home Hyunsuk called me and I wanted to end the call but I couldn't.

Call to Hyunsuk

[What do you need?] -me
[Are you sure Canna likes you?] -Hyunsuk
[Yes, I know he like me since younger but I didn't like him back] -me
[Well then I hope you have a good time with Canna and the new team] -Hyunsuk

He ended the call and I laughed a bit since he was jealous and wanted me not to like Canna back but I kinda do like Canna, he is a good person and nice.

"Mr. Meow and Chili, where are you?" I yell. They both appeared in a hurry and greeted me with love, both of them knew Hyunsuk won't visit anymore and everything changed. Chili is a bit sad but Mr. Meow is always there, he doesn't seem to care about the new change, just some little bit of dramatic emotion. None of the pro game team has met my cat yet but they will soon, hoping none of them are allergic.

I know Canna has a cat and his cat is so cute but I don't know about other members' pets, tomorrow is my last day participating in something related to producing and music. After that, I get to watch the Dplus Kia training match.

The new uniform hasn't come yet but I will get one when it comes out, thank god they aren't asking me to wear a skirt because most female gamers wear one. After resting for a while, I decided to take Mr. Meow and Chili to Dplus Kia so everyone can meet my cat.

Before leaving I walked my cat for a fresh and Hyunsuk was there with Jihoon plus Yoshi. It's kinda awkward seeing them again but I need to keep walking and get back before it rain. The head coach sends a bodyguard to take me and my cat to the Dplus Kia building.

The car ride was quiet and sad since it was pouring outside, the gate opened when the car arrived. Canna and Kellin were already outside waiting for me and my cat, Chili, was a bit shy but Mr. Meow openly greeted everyone with a snuggle against the leg.

"Cute cats," Canna said. He held Mr. Meow and his pet gently. "Maine coon is lovely."

Skip time

It has been 4 years since I broke up with Hyunsuk, he is now married to Mina and I'm with Canna. This new life is happier than the old one, as of right now I'm nicknamed an unbeatable demon queen and duo top laner and today is our anniversary. In the end, I'm together with someone I truly love and they willingly take care of me forever. Also, the team lives together now including me.

"Do you miss Hyunsuk?" Canna ask. I shake my head no. "I'm glad you are happy, please stay happy."

"Let's go enjoy the time," I jumped down the bed and left the room quickly, Kellin and Showmaker didn't have time to say hi to me. "Canna, come here."

A few minutes later he came down and I gave him a helmet to go somewhere for our anniversary, even the news post about it, 4 years have passed and our love is still strong together.


The story has ended, I know the ending is kinda rushed but if I continue it would be super long. Thank you for supporting me, the story is almost 300 reads.

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