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I woke up early to get ready while Hyunsuk is still sleeping. For him, the interview is later in the day but I have to go to YG early for something. Before leaving I wrote him a note and put it in his hand and left, the road was empty and quiet like always making it easier to get there faster.

"You are here early," Jinu oppa said. "Are you practicing for your solo debut in Japanese?" I nodded and he patted me for good luck. I went to my studio and pulled up the Japanese lyrics with my guitar. Today is my time singing this song in Japanese, I sang it in English and Korean already.

"You sound great," Jinu oppa peeked in from the door with Jennie and Lisa Unnie. "No wonder why fans love you." They stay to listen to me sing and when I finish everyone cheers, they are the most supportive senior singer and rapper. By the time I finished, it was time to leave for the interview with one of the most popular hosts and Treasure.

I got there early to prepare my clothes and make-up before coming up on stage, Treasure arrived a few minutes later and Hyunsuk looked super good today. I waited to go up the stage together with anyone while I was waiting. Hyunsuk went over to me with a rose, he smiled happily and walked with me.

"Hello everyone, welcome back to the studio interview," Akari said. "Today for special guests we have solo/producer Luna and Treasure." I walk onto the stage first while Treasure introduces themself on the way in. There was an awkward environment between me and Hyunsuk because this is our first time going to a show together after the breakup. "Fans are excited for this episode because the legendary couple is here, they look happy today."

"Hello everyone, my name is Luna. I'm currently a soloist and producer under YG," I said. "Thank you for having me here today."

There were a lot of fan questions and requests but before it started I sang my solo debut song in Japanese with my guitar. Akari was loving the song while Hyunsuk was feeling sad because he knew I wrote that song because of the breakup.

"Woah, your voice is so pretty," Akari said. "The meaning of the song is sad, I hope you feel better and find someone new."

The first question was about friendship and closeness in the group. I did want to say something but it was going to hurt Hyunsuk's feelings besides Hyunsuk I'm close to Jihoon and Yoshi.

"So the next question, fans are wondering when you will join a gamer team," Akari said.

"Um, I don't know yet but when I do I will probably be a producer," I said. "In my free time, I will try to make music but I haven't planned yet."

"I would be happy for her but if she quit the YG producer I would be sad," Jihoon said. "But I think she will be a good pro gamer," Akari asked the next question and I was a bit shy to answer, the question was about who Hyunsuk cared the most about. I couldn't tell everyone he still cared for me which made it weird.

"Hyunsuk hyung cares for Doyoung more than any other members," Jihoon said. "He doesn't have favorite members but I get taken care of after the other members."

"Jihoon hyung is right," Haruto said. "Whenever there is a group picture he alway calls Doyoung to come near him, Luna can confirm it." Hyunsuk looks at me with an 'I trust you' eye but I add more to what Haruto said.

"What Haruto said it's true, I don't go with the whole group a lot but when I do go he always cares for Doyoung. Even during the time we are still together Doyoung was his number one to care for." Akari asked for Hyunsuk's thoughts and he was a bit shy to say anything.


I thought Luna was going to defend me but she added to the conversation. I'm not mad, just surprised, and when Akari asked me to tell I thought there was a lot of hesitation.

"Um, I care for Doyoung a lot because we are close since we are trainees, at that time we go to the same school and stay in the same neighborhood," I said. "I always look out for him and to this day I still look out for him."

"As for what fans think, I do care for Luna but not as much as when we are used to being together," I add. "She's mad at me right now, probably."

"Let's move on," Akari said. "Hyunsuk fans have a question for you and it said: Oppa, do you still have feelings for Luna? You two are the best couple ever."

"Um," I hesitate a bit. "I do still have feelings for her, I still love her to this day even if she is mad at me or still mad at me. I want to make it up for her but I don't know how to. Fans if you have any ways please post them on Weverse I will take a look."

"How about you, Luna," Akari said. "Do you still love Hyunsuk or have feelings for him?"

"A bit, I learned how to move on and forget what happened 3 months ago," she said, making me sad. "I'm going to be a pro gamer soon and I don't think I have time to think about dating someone. I already have someone joining a team with me."

"Ah I see," Akari said. "Good luck on your debut as a female pro gamer, I wish you the best of luck but first can you play a game for us to see?" She nodded and logged into her account on a computer and the game started first blood goes to her. "Woah, you have a good skill."

After the show ended Luna went back to YG and so did Treasure. I followed her to the studio and sat down. She didn't say anything or give any reaction, just played her game for a bit and worked again.

"Luna, can you relax a bit?" I ask. I hug her from behind. "You have been working nonstop plus training for your game audition. Come sit with me."

I pull her off the chair to sit me on the couch, she leans on my right arm and looks into my eye.

"Are you still mad at me?" I ask. She shakes her head no. "Of course, you can't resist my cuteness." She eventually falls asleep on my arm and I hug her tightly, she looks so pretty I can't resist the cuteness. It was quiet until Yoshi came in with Jihoon, he looked disgusted. "Shh, Jihoon can you be quiet."

I slowly woke her up because she has been sleeping for a long time but for no reason, she flung a pillow at Jihoon.

"Um, violent," Jihoon said. "I'm here to Live for the fans." I watch Luna stand up to push Jihoon out but he is too strong. In the end, she agreed for him to stream here, fans love it since there is a lot of cool stuff to show rather than our dorm or my studio.

I walked outside to get something to drink and Mina was there. She looked happy to talk to me but I ignore her and went back inside the room. The concert already ended when I got back and Luna was packing her stuff to leave for home during lunchtime. I didn't come with her because we are having a comeback soon and I need to prepare a lot of things.

While looking around at her room for cool decoration, I saw a piece of paper on her desk and it said 'Retirement paper from being a producer'. My reaction hasn't been a lot since the day we broke up. She hasn't been active as a producer, she is more of a gamer now and I'm okay with it. I can't tell Treasure or her that I saw this yet, I think she will tell later to everyone and her fans.

I quickly ignored it and went to get lunch. Luna probably had personal reasons to withdraw from being a producer. She is one of the best and it is going to be different without her but I hope she will make great music when she is free.


I purposely left my retirement sheet of being a producer on my desk for Hyunsuk to see because he needed to know what was going to happen and prepared his team for this. Jinu already knows and Chanhyuk too, they support my decision and where I want to go.

I think I will be successful as a gamer or streamer, maybe just a barista. Working as a producer is not helping me get over Hyunsuk and break up.

It has been hard for us and the job, I know Hyunsuk can't leave so I'm willing to. He will feel better and much happier than before but things are going to be different since I'm their main producer.

For the next few days I'm not going to YG, Dplus Kia is doing a meet and greet and I got invited. I already told the head producer about my absence and he said not to replace me because my spot will be honorary.

I'm back to update the story again, almost finished.

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