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There was a meeting when I got back to YG, it was something about looking for another female producer. I kinda don't like it because I'm used to being the only one and I get full access to everything but the thing I'm worried about is Hyunsuk, if she has short hair he might like her too.

"Luna, are you worried about Hyunsuk?" the dance teacher whispered. "He won't leave you, he is a loyal person."

"The reason why I suggest this is because Luna is going to debut as a soloist soon and I don't want her to do 2 jobs at the same time," the manager said. "Don't worry, the lead producer is still in your position."

"I can do two jobs at a time," I said. "Nowadays I live in the studio, I don't want to have a packed schedule."

"What about your pet?" the lead dance teacher asks. "How will you take care of them?" The discussion continues about a new producer, for me, I think it is unnecessary since we have enough already. After the meeting was over I went outside to see Hyunsuk waiting for me with Yoshi and Asahi, he looked worried.

"So?" Hyunsuk asks. "Are you going to debut?" I nodded and Yoshi excitedly hugged me but he stopped when the manager discussed finding a new producer with the head producer, it suddenly went quiet and everyone left for their work. "If you are worried that I might leave you for the new producer, I won't. Promise."

Since I don't have anything else to do, I decided to work on my debut song. I planned to play the guitar in the chorus and at the end since it would be different from most debut songs.


During the break I went to see Luna in the studio, I could hear a type of beat playing while using a guitar when I was standing outside. It has been 5 years and I'm still shocked about her skill.

"Luna," I said while opening the door. "You sound amazing with your guitar, are you free tomorrow?" She shakes her head and continues working, I sigh and sit on the couch.

"Sukie, I might not go home today," she said. "I might stay here, you know how our cat and fish eat. Make sure to feed them, I'm working on my solo song's beat, and it's a secret." I sat on the couch waiting for the work time to be over, at least Yoshi walked in to say he was going home with other members.

"Love, you have been working hard," I said. "All week, please just go out with me for a little bit. Please." The only way for me to convince her is to whine a lot and eventually, she says yes and it works, Hwa nodded slowly and put her guitar away. I bought the current guitar Hwa is using, last year during our anniversary.

"Where do you want to go?" she asks. "How about we can stop by home and take Mr. Meow for a walk around the park?" I nodded and followed her, and some fans saw us and greeted us. "Are you hungry?"

While I was waiting for Luna to get her bike I saw the manager and lead producer talking to someone who looked like the new female producer, not going to lie she kinda looked pretty. Am I falling for her too?

There was honking outside and when I looked over Luna was waiting for me, the new producer saw me and I walked away fast.

"Who are you looking at?" she asks. "You seem mesmerized, is there someone I don't know about?" I couldn't say anything, hurting her feelings wasn't my thing. Even if I was mad I always found myself sometimes to be calm with her. "You know if anything goes wrong, your fans will be super upset, and probably your members too."

"I was spacing out, nothing happened," I lied. This is probably my first time lying to her. "Don't worry about it, I will always love you."


The way he says it makes me suspect that he saw someone pretty in the YG building like another producer that is a girl and that someone gave me an idea for my debut song after picking Mr. Meow from home and walking him around I headed back to YG and exactly what I thought another female producer was talking to the receptionist.

"Mina, I would like you to meet the legendary female producer Luna," the receptionist said. "She is the best of the best producers here, if you need anything you can ask." I bowed to her and left for my studio space. Mina might share a studio with Asahi and I don't care since I couldn't do anything about it.

"Luna," Yoshi said. It scared me, somehow he was still here. "So you saw the new producer and it's true they found a female producer. I wonder has Hyung noticed her yet?"

"I don't know, I'm going to stay here overnight to walk on my song," I said and he nodded. Yoshi is also staying here because he needs a break from living with other members for a day. "Since I got permission to work with another producer and you are a teammate would you agree to work with me?"

While I was preparing my things someone knocked on the door and it sounded like the new producer, Yoshi went to talk to her and she left shortly after.

"She is just asking who else shares the studio with her," Yoshi said. "Is hyung coming?" A few minutes later Sukie texted me that he was at his home already. He also asked me if I wanted to use his studio at home rather than stay there. "You should go home with Hyung. I'm going too."

I pack my stuff and guitar when I walk out of the room Mina was still there looking at the position board and news, there is the news between me and Sukie on the board with the title 'YG legendary couple have marked 5 years together'.

"Dating is allowed here," Mina asked. "I thought there was a ruling that staff can't date artists." I can tell she is jealous of me and Sukie

"It's a long story," I said. "Yoshi, did you lock the studio door?" He nodded and I walked out with him without saying goodbye to Mina. The road was empty and quiet when I arrived in front of the apartment Jihoon was waiting for us.

"Driving in the dark is not good," Sukie said as he appeared from behind Jihoon. "Love, it is dangerous for you, I know Yoshi is with you but I'm still worried."


Chapter 2 is finished. Mina is jealous of Hwa and Hyunsuk.

Instagram: Lil_shuaaa

Butterfly - C. Hyunsuk Where stories live. Discover now