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Sukie woke me up early because Jihoon called a meeting in the house because of something but I didn't mind, since the manager texted Jihoon first about the upcoming schedule.

He read out my schedule plus Treasure's schedule and it is not the same. I'm a bit sad but it's fine since I'm used to it. After the meeting was over I left for work before Sukie and the other members.

"Are you mad at me?" Sukie asks. "Tell me, please say something." I try to walk away but he pulls me closer. "Just because I didn't tell you about my new project. Sorry love."

I walked into the building with Sukie and other members. Today is another dance practice with Sukie and Jihoon.

"I am a good boy," Sukie said. "Am I?" I laugh and pat his head, he is indeed a good boy but something he is not. "I'm going to take a nap here, I don't have practice until the afternoon." I continue to work while he lies on the couch sleeping. Tomorrow he is going to be busy, and I will try not to bother him.

"Sukie, I'm leaving for my home today," I said and he whined a bit. "I need to work on my song."

"Love~," Sukie said. "I will miss you alot but feel free to come to visit my studio." I smile and continue working until Yoshi appears asking Sukie to come out because Mina has a question about something. I was a bit worried but Yoshi promised to keep an eye on them. A few minutes later Sukie returns acting as if nothing happened but my text message from Yoshi shows Mina asking Sukie for lunch today, I can't show him I know what is going to happen. Like a normal Sukie kiss me and left for dance or rap practice, after a few minutes Jihoon appeared.

"So," he said. "Does hyung know you know Mina is asking him out for lunch?" I shake my head no and he sighs. "What is this guy doing? I think he knows he is going to lose you if things between them start to get bigger but if he loses you I'm available."

I slightly hit him and laughed, Jihoon is not a bad person but I don't want to date someone new after a breakup. Today vocalists don't have any practice so they gather in my studio hangout and eventually bother me but Jihoon being the leader stops them.

"She's going to kick you out of the room if you break her stuff," Jihoon whispered. "Like she was kicked hyun out the other day because he touched her stuff without permission."

Lunch came and I know for a fact Sukie hates it when he sees me eating with other YG artists so I plan to do that to make him piss off, if he still cares and wants to have lunch with me then he would stop Jinu oppa.

"Are you sure this will work?" Jinu asks. "I don't want to piss off your boyfriend."

"He is going to eat lunch with the new producer so this is payback," I said. "Don't worry about Yoshi and Jihoon being a spy for me, one of them will get caught for sure." Jinu sighed and I laughed, he was probably tired of my payback stuff.

I waited for Jinu to get his bag before leaving. While I was waiting I saw Mina and Sukie walking together, he didn't even notice, and that made me feel sad.

"Woah, your boyfriend just," Jinu said. I pulled him out of the YG building fast. "Wait, you know who Mina is?" I gave him a 'serious' eye look, he supposed to know but apparently, he doesn't.

"You know Mina is my enemy," I said. "Back then she liked Hyunsuk too but I was lucky enough for me to get him and join YG as lead producer. She got mad and joined another company, now she's back for revenge I think."

Jinu has been my friend since I joined YG, he helps me much more than my boyfriend. Before going to lunch I stopped by my apartment to see if the caregiver arrived and she did, Mr. Meow and Chilly were already fed.


While I was walking out with Mina I saw Luna and Jinu Hyung together, that made me piss a bit but I can't do anything since I'm going to eat lunch with Mina.

"Hi Lyrem," Mina said. I didn't know she brought her friend along but I don't care a lot. She didn't say anything to me, just talked to her friend until news popped up about Luna and Jinu. When I clicked on it, there were a lot of pictures taken by fans. There is a paragraph about a photo and one of the sentences pisses me off. It said: They are even sharing drinks like a couple walking the street together.

I bought my food and she did too. On the way, she asked me some stuff about my relationship with Luna and I felt weird answering it. Mina waved goodbye to me and I waved back just in time for Luna and Jinu to arrive, she straight up ignored me, and that made me feel strange.

"So," I said while following her to the studio. "You know I hate when you eat lunch with another YG artist by Treasure." She sat down and gave me a serious look.

"Because Jinu is my close friend and he is helping me with my solo debut," she said. "How was your lunch with Mina? Was it fun?"

"You know you could ask me or any Treasure member to help you with your solo debut and also the lunch wasn't fun," I answered while raising my voice a bit. "I would love to help my girlfriend with everything."

"CHOI HYUNSUK," she said my full name, making me nervous. "We have had this conversation before, I don't want to repeat it."

"Luna, listen," I said. "If I say no to her invitation to lunch then it would be rude, there was only a choice for me to say yes. I swear I will not agree to go to lunch with anyone anymore."

"Hyunsuk, I can't do this anymore, you stop valuing our relationship as you used to before," she said. "Chanhyuk or Jinu oppa will come by to pick up my clothes later, I'm going back to my apartment." After hearing that I got angry at her for the first time.


"You want to know why I'm so close to Chahyuk and Jinu oppa," she said. "They are the ones who stick with me when I was struggling with my work while you are busy 24/7 working on your song, you didn't even care about me until I got super sick and you said something." She was right, I didn't care for her much when Treasure debuted to the point I forgot I have a girlfriend. "Just tell me if you need time by yourself, I think 5 years is long enough already. It would probably be better if we parted ways."

I was about to come and hug her but she kicked me out of the room when I walked out their members and other artists looked concerned. This will probably be the first time we argue in 5 years.


Hwa texted me a few minutes later after the argument saying if I can go to Treasure's apartment and pick up her stuff, this was my first time hearing them arguing this big.

"Hyung, do you think they will break up?" Jihoon asks me. "I hope they won't, Luna the type to get mad like that or even Hyunsuk hyung." Jihoon volunteered to go with me since he knows where her stuff is and I don't want to be in Hyunsuk's room. "Hyung here is all her thing. I was wondering if you could stay with her tonight to see if anything going on."

"I can do that, I'm worried about her too," I said. "Hyunsuk never yells like her before, he calms and understands but today is different."

After arriving back at YG, Luna was still in her studio while Hyunsuk was outside looking stressed and sad.


Seeing hyung and Luna like this I'm worried about them, hyung was never mad at her until now. Jinu hyung is talking to Luna while I try to calm hyun suk hyung down.

"Tell me what happens?" I ask. "You never flip off on Luna before, maybe you should apologize or try to make her listen to you for once."

"Maybe I should," Hyung said. "Later I will talk to her but now she needs to be alone and calm down."


This chapter is a bit long, longer than normal but it is going to be long since the actual drama is going to happen.

Instagram: Lil_shuaaa

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