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I slept at my studio last night because I needed to do something and it felt great but there was a lot of noise that made me a bit scared. The person I used to call was Hyunsuk and now he is not with me anymore. It was currently 4:00 am and I couldn't sleep. He has been on my mind for a long time and it hurts me deeply. He looks happy without me and enjoys his daily life but he doesn't know the person he used to love is hurting.

There was a knock and when I opened it Yoshi and Asahi were standing there, I was confused as to why.

"Um, don't mind we are just checking on you," Asahi said. "Hyung told me to see how you are doing and if you need anything while sleeping here, it looks like you are comfortable."

"Hyunsuk hyung wants to ask you about the guy," Yoshi said. "He shies to ask so I'm asking for him, I don't know if you know but he is hurting a lot. I know you try to avoid having interaction with him but at least talk to him."

"I want to talk to him but he is enjoying time without me and I want to let him be like that," I said. "You should sleep, I'm fine here. You don't need to worry about me, also tell Hyunsuk to worry about Mina."


Tears fell from my eyes hearing what she just said out of the door. I don't like Mina anymore and I don't know how to explain to her so she can understand. Yoshi and Asahi appear to help me get up but little did I know she was peeking by the door, she looked at me but didn't smile or have any reaction.

"Goodnight Yoshi and Asahi, I see you tomorrow," she said and went back into the room. I whisper to Yoshi and Asahi saying I don't want to go home, I can sleep while sitting hoping it is not too cold. There was some noise in the studio and it sounded like she was talking to someone, laughing and smiling like how we used to talk. My phone alerted me to another Instagram post from Hwa and it was a post of her wearing one of my jerseys she stole, I don't mind her stealing my thing.

All of the memory floods back into my head, I remember when we had an argument she went outside to hug me while crying. I fell asleep thinking about the sweet memory back then.


I woke up early because some workers were already setting up their things for today. When I walked out of my studio Hyunsuk was sleeping near the door. I slightly touched his shoulder to wake him up.

"When did you start sleeping here?" I ask before walking away.

"Since 4:00 am," he answered. I nodded and walked toward the front before Hyunsuk called my name. "Luna let me explain, I heard your talk with Yoshi and Asahi yesterday night. I don't like Mina anymore."

"There is nothing for me to hear, you like being alone and I fulfill your dream," I said. "If you don't want to be friends it's fine, enjoy your time alone."

For today's schedule, I had a meeting about my solo debut and thought differently. I'm a bit nervous since this is the first time I introduce my song including the lyrics and beat but I think it's going to be great since the producing team trusts me a lot. Jihoon pulled me into a practice room to ask about something.

"So did you talk to Hyunsuk?" Jihoon asked. "You should talk to him, I know you don't want to but he is hurting a lot. Every night since the break up he always looks at the memory album while crying a bit, one time one of the members saw he was hugging your gift while sleeping on the couch."

"I think about it since the 5th anniversary he has been lying a lot to me and I don't trust him anymore," I said. "This morning he told me he doesn't like Mina anymore and I kinda don't believe that."

I didn't know about Hyunsuk 's walk-in and the environment got awkward since he looked a bit tired and sleepy. I didn't mind since I always focus on dancing. The dancer teacher plans a solo duet between a backup dancer and Hyunsuk or Jihoon, the fact I was praying it won't happen.

"Luna, come on," the other dancer said. "You and Hyunsuk have matching styles, it would be great together. I will pay for lunch today." I nodded and the dance teacher taught us the choreography, it was not that hard but there was a lot of detail and technique. After a couple of rounds of practice, the duet began, and everyone was cheering. I feel a bit shy but not a lot since this is like a normal thing, a duet between the rapper and backup dancer.

After the dance practice was over it was lunchtime and of course, all the backup dancers went to lunch together since we have a break after that, Jihoon and Jaehyuk wanted to come along.


A duet dance with her was a bit awkward and weird but I enjoyed seeing her dance, we do have a similar style and dancing technique making a lot of people want it while we danced together. Jihoon and Jaehyuk with the backup dancer team including her, I could have gone with them but she looked happy without me.

I sat in the lounge area waiting for Jihoon and Jae Hyuk when Mina came up to me, she down and asked me a few questions.

"When is Luna going to debut?" She asked. "I have a perfect plan for her." Before she could show me the plan I grabbed her hand tightly.

"You can't ruin her debut," I said. "I broke up with her already but you can't do that."


Tomorrow is my break so I decided to vacation by myself in Japan. Only Jihoon knows about this and other YG artists, not Hyunsuk. I'm not planning to tell him either, I'm going over there with my friend from Gangnam.


Short chapter. Hyunsuk is jealousy going to appear soon, sorry I still love you🦔🫶

Instagram: Lil_shuaaa

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