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After the argument with Hyunsuk, I was stressed out. Jinu oppa stayed over with me tonight to see if I needed something or anyone to talk to. I left work early because I wasn't feeling well. A few minutes later Jinu oppa arrived with his stuff for tonight.

"Oppa, what do you think about Sukie?" I ask. "He never yells at me like that." He tosses his bag onto the couch and sits down, Mr. Meow runs up to greet but Chilly is still a bit shy. "Chilly is the new kitten Sukie got for me on our date the other day."

"I think Hyunsuk didn't want to yell at you, maybe at that point his anger took over," he said. "Just don't worry about it, Jihoon is talking to him about this. Maybe there is a reason why he yells at you. Are you making dinner? We can go out and eat."

I agreed to go out and eat since I don't feel like cooking today. Before leaving I texted Jihoon to see if anyone wanted to come. A few minutes later he replies that Yoshi and Doyoung want to come too.

"Let's use your car so we can pick them up too," Jinu oppa said. I explained to him that they aren't allowed to go by personal car at night time. "The manager can drive them and meet up near the restaurant."

(I don't know the exact dorm for Treasure after Mashiho and Yedam left since it is fictional. I will try to predict it.)

Today night is clear and perfect to go by motorcycle, Jinu is the only person who trusts my driving. When I knocked on the door, there were fewer members this time but Hyunsuk was still there.

"Hey, the dorm looks different," I said. "Fewer members than before," Jeongwoo tells me and Jinu to sit down because Jihoon is busy talking to Sukie about something.

"Don't worry, Jihoon always talks with Hyunsuk hyung for a long time," Yoshi said. A few minutes later he appears with Sukie and Doyoung. "Let's go, the manager already prepared the car and Luna sent you the directions to a place near the restaurant."

🦈Hyunsuk 🦈

I was a bit sad that she didn't invite me but I understand if she is still mad, as for me I'm surprised I yell at her.

"Hyung, you need to apologize," Jeongwoo said. It feels quiet here so I invite other members to come over. Junghwan was the loudest one while Asahi is so calm. Everyone else was partying while I watched them waiting for Jihoon, Yoshi, and Doyoung to return but news popped up. This one makes me mad and sad.

Breaking news: YG producer Hwa and Winner Jinu have pictures taken by fans, some expect they are going somewhere together. These pictures show how close they are, Hwa is known not to share the second helmet with anyone besides her boyfriend and Treasure member.

After that news there was no more until they came home, I would try to talk to Luna but it was late and she was probably tired.

"Luna, can I have a word with you?" I asked and she nodded. "Sit down please."

"There's nothing much to talk about," she said. "It seems like you want our relationship to end." I shook my head no and held her hand.

"I'm sorry for what happened today, I don't know what got into me that day but I'm truly sorry," I said. "Please forgive me, I can't live like this without you anymore."

"Hyunsukie," she said while crying. I hugged her tightly and members were cheering outside, everyone wanted us to last long until marriage. "I can't live without you either, it's getting late, you should sleep early. Jinu oppa is going to stay with me tonight and I will see you tomorrow." I took pictures with her before she left and posted them on Weverse making fans cheer. I walked her and Jinu Hyung to the front of the apartment.

She knows to text me when she gets home so I won't get worried about it, I should plan our marriage soon but I don't know if it is too early and it could affect our career.

"Hyung, I think you should wait a bit," Jihoon said. "She is going to debut solo soon and getting married might affect her popularity."

"Jihoon is right," Junkyu said. "I can't wait for her solo song plus electric guitar at the end going to sound so good, I wonder if she is going to our concert in Seoul soon."

"I think she will," Yoshi said. "She always comes to our concert even if she is tired and sick, our number one supporter, especially hyung."


I'm at my apartment with Lyrem and I saw out in the front Luna just arrived home with Jinu, maybe she did break up with Hyunsuk but there wasn't any news.

"What is your plan to break their relationship?" I ask Lyrem. "I want something good so she can't forgive him and they never get back together."

Lyrem explains to me her plan and it sounds good but I don't know how to lure fans so the fact I'm out with Hyunsuk drinking is over the news.

(Sorry Hyunsuk, I still love you)

"Starting tomorrow Hyunsuk and Luna will be busy, Luna is going to debut solo soon and Treasure is having a concert. After the concert they usually go to eat and drink," I said. "At that point, Luna might be with them or she might go home early, I can try to lure Hyunsuk for a night walk together and try to get fans to take pictures of us."

"That's a good idea, let's sleep and hope the plan will go well," Lyrem said. I couldn't sleep since there was news about them, it looks like Hyunsuk is planning to get married to her after the solo debut happens. That makes me super angry, she stole him from me back then during the tryout of YG producer.


Today is the day I get the producer results at YG hoping I can meet someone there but when I arrive, my school enemy is there too, she looks excited and happy.

"Mina, the guy over there looks cute," Lyrem said. "You should talk to him." Before I could, they announced the result Luna got accepted and the cute guy went up to her. "Don't worry if you find someone else."

End of flashback

I still remember the day YG announced they have been dating for 3 years and now it has been 5 years. I don't know what is so special about her that makes Hyunsuk love her so much. Her skill producing is good but I'm prettier and have a better style.


Chapter 5 has ended. Hyunsuk and Luna are back together but Mina is planning something evil.

Instagram: Lil_shuaaa

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