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I fell asleep early yesterday, resulting in waking up early. I was enjoying time in bed and someone knocked on the hotel door loudly. If it wasn't for Jihoon I would have yelled at them but there was another person behind him, Hyunsuk was there too and I wasn't happy.

"I have nothing to say and I don't want to listen either," I said about kicking him out of the door. He turns me around and looks him in the eye, there are tears and pain in his eye. "What is this?" He pulled me to sit down on the bed, I was a bit confused.

"Listen, I brought the stuffed animal you bought for me and I see you brought yours too," Hyunsuk said. "I'm truly sorry, I can't live without it anymore. Even if you agree to be my friend I don't mind, I just want to hear your phone call again."

"Hyunsuk, I'm sorry for what I said, let's be friends," I said while patting his hair. "You look so cute when you cry, Jihoon looks at him." He looks so cute when being teased and he is shy and I miss seeing this every day. I'm glad we agreed to be friends and this will probably make fans happy, our hand-made stuffed animals look pretty together. Hyunsuk took over my bed and lay down, I heard Jihoon say the hotel they have isn't comfortable enough for him.

"Let me sleep," he said. "Wake me up when the manager calls or when one of the members is knocking on the hotel door, come here and lay with me."

I refuse and sit on the couch making him whine a bit, waiting for a while. I secretly took a picture of him sleeping and posted it on weverse somehow he woke up.

"Seriously," he said while rubbing his eyes to look at the picture. "Cute sleeping Hyunsuk, funny caption."

He went back to sleep, making me laugh. After an hour I went to the open side of the bed and sat down hoping not to wake Hyunsuk up.


I woke up laying weirdly on the bed, that was a good sleep and when I checked it was already 2:00 pm but nobody called me up. Luna was sitting on the other side working on something, I moved over and she looked at me.

"Nobody calls me?" I ask. She shook her head, something was playing on her computer and it made her super focused when I looked over it was a kdrama. "Don't tell me you've been watching for an hour now."

"Yes, Jihoon just woke up and I couldn't do anything," she said. "The manager stopped by but he saw you and Jihoon sleeping so the schedule is canceled, he said for the rest of the day, free time."

I sat up to fix my hair but Luna said I look cute, some members stopped by for a quick Live together. A lot of fans were happy that I became friends with Hwa. I couldn't stop looking at her because she looked so pretty today.

After doing a quick Live I went back to my hotel room for my computer, today is a rest day and I want to spend it with Luna. She was still watching her Kdrama when I returned, that is another reason why I get annoyed sometimes.

"Always kdrama," I said. "Is he your favorite character?" She nodded and looked at me with a glowing eye. I pat her head slightly making members look disgusted. "Y'all acting weird."

After that I didn't say anything to her, I put on my headphones and made music while she watched kdrama. When we are still dating I would bother her 24/7 but not anymore because I don't want anyone to be suspicious that the breakup was a lie. Junghwan came over to ask me something and she couldn't hear because of the noise-canceling headphones.

"Maybe you should take her out somewhere for fun," Junghwan said. "Maybe she will like it, I think she is still trying to adapt to the breakup. Hyung, I know she loves you a lot, and seeing you two like this hurts my heart."

"I will try, maybe a walk around the beach would help," I said. "I know, it upset me too but both of us are busy with stuff and I feel like the relationship is interfering with everything." I waited until it was a bit dark to ask her if she wanted to go on a walk.

"Luna, do you want to go on a walk?" I ask. "The weather is calm and a bit chilly, perfect for going to the beach."

"Yes but I need to change clothes first," she said and left for the bathroom. When she walked out I was a bit mesmerized. "Let's go." Her outfit for this walk was perfect. She still remembers the agreement style we have on the walk but it kinda reveals her tattoo. I lent her my jacket and she wore it immediately.

"I just don't want people to see your tattoo," I said. She smiles at me and continues walking, I walk behind her and enjoy the weather. It is also sad that walking around the beach is our favorite thing to do but now it is not the same anymore. The walks weren't long since Treasure has a scheduled special T-map to film, Luna won't be participating but she will be there watching.

"Are you not staying with her?" Jihoon asked while I was getting my stuff. I shake my head no. "It's okay hyung, I know you miss her a lot but it is weird for a broken-up couple to stay together."

I waved to her and left for my shared room with Yoshi. Tomorrow is going to feel weird since she always joins T-map and this time she is only watching behind the camera. The clothes for tomorrow have been prepared by the manager and head stylist who came along. I lay down looking at the picture of us smiling brightly.


Hyunsuk today looks lovely and pretty. I wanted to skip tomorrow's schedule but Treasure members insist I watch how T-map is filmed. He texted me if he can come over and I texted yes.

"I want to stay with you tonight," he said. "It's fine if you say no." I let him in and immediately he jumped on the bed. "It's so comfy. Yoshi, Junkyu, and Jihoon are doing a Weverse Live in the hotel room. I need sleep so I'm here with you." I lay down and he rests his head on my shoulder like how we slept together before. "You like my hair don't you."

Hyunsuk's hair is my favorite and he always let me play with it even if he was tired that day. I still have feelings for him after we broke up already.

"Goodnight," he said while hugging me. "Wear something nice tomorrow."


Chapter 14 is finished. Hyunsuk still loves her.

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