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- some kind of creature that resembled a black cat but was much more bigger and it's yellow eyes was glowing, staring right into your soul that made you jump and shriek of fear. You quickly leaned your body against your garderobe and opened it to reach for one of the empty hangers but after a quick blink it vanished.

Peter quickly opened the door to see your shaking figure, though you didn't hear any footsteps from outside. As if it was planned. No, it can't be. Why would he plan something like this? Ridiculous. You scrambled along the hangers and finally chose an empty one and quickly used It as a weapon, holding it out so he wouldn't come close to your shaking figure.

"Oh, Y/N...are you alright, my dear..? I heard you scream.." he said with a soothing tone, like if he was trying to lure you into a deadly trap. He slowly walked towards you with his arms open. You started to calm down, though the voices were screaming, telling you to run.

He had gotten some inches closer to you before you let go of the clothing hanger and quickly landed into his arms, wrapping his big strong arms around your figure and having one of his hands go through your hair. You began to sob into his white button down while he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, your arms wrapped around his strong figure.

He kissed your forehead gently before lifting your chin up to his face with his thumb. "What happened.?" He quietly asked. You only responded with more sobs and heavy breaths on his chest. He left more soft kisses on your forehead down to your cheek. You closed your eyes, finally starting to calm yourself down with his gestures. His hands going up and down your waist gently holding you closer to him with his big arms. You closed your eyes again, leaning your head against his chest while he leaned his on your head. He slowly parted your hair to the side so your neck was slightly showing. He softly kissed down to your jaw, not thinking anything of it before the realisation had hit.

You were standing in the darkest part of your bedroom. It was planned all along.

You opened your eyes quickly before trying to escape his grasp. You looked up at him, in shock at what you saw.

Peters eyes were glowing red and his sharp canines were out, though there were slight wet streaks on his cheek.

You screamed for him to let go before he sunk his canines into your neck. Blood gushing everywhere.


"Why must you be such a fool?"


The sounds of fire woke you up from your deep slumber. You slowly began to sit up from lying down on the cold cement floor, slowly taking in where you are.

There was a huge stone fireplace in-front of you and a big dark red bed. Everything around you was red, even the hell red roses. There were some bloodstains on the floor and the walls but there was the slightest green on a gold ring.

You looked down at your own figure to discover that you were soaked in blood with your breast exposed, wearing only white thin panties. You quickly covered yourself with your hands before noticing the tall black figure by the fireplace with its long, smooth hair down and its eyes half lidded, watching every move you make.

The figure slowly stepped towards you, before you noticed that it had been staring at you ever since you woke up from far away which made you blush for a minute. The dim light showed only a part of his face while the other was consumed by the dark.

Ofcourse, It was Peter.

He crouched down before lifting you up on his shoulder. "What are you doing?!" You yelled out at him, hitting his back and kicking with your legs.

He lie you down on the dark bed and sat beside you. You quickly sat up and moved away from him. "Where am I?" You asked, covering yourself again and feeling weaker by every minute that goes.

"You're in my dungeon. You know, the one under this house." He answered with no emotions at all. None In his eyes or face. "Well, I never knew that.. why am I here then?" You asked again, your nerves starting to calm down and give up on hope. He leaned in towards your face and breathed out.

"I want you."

Your eyes widened before he suddenly put his arms around your waist and lied you down beside him while pushing you against his muscled body. "How about we make a deal? If I get to drink your blood we can be together all the time, and I promise that  I'll protect you at any cost." He whispered into your ear. You hesitated at first but you have been alone and ignored for years by everyone you know. "Fine, deal.." you sighed out. He smiled widely as he hugged you closer and kissed your lips. 

"Sleep, my love." He whispered out again while getting you under the covers. "We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

You closed your eyes, slowly vanishing into your horrid dreams as you lean your head against his chest, receiving a gentle kiss on the head by the murderous liar.




blood thirst.

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