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It had gone months with no sign of Peter. You and the men got along pretty fast, doing activities all day and having fun like a normal friend group. But the guilt was still there. When the men left to hunt, you would cry into your knees and hit yourself multiple times to the point you got bruises. There was no point in doing it but the feeling of being loved was missing and you eagerly wanted it back.


You were lying in your bed, lazily reading comics as you quietly sighed and flipped a limp page. You were alone in the small shady house and was waiting for the two men to come back, but this time they were taking a lot longer than usual. You were in the dark and the only light you had came from the small lamp beside you.

Hearing a sound against the glass, you sat up and changed your gaze to the window in front of you. You were expecting the usual black night light but you were clearly wrong. Instead, you saw two green glowing eyes staring right at you. The sound was his breathing, as it dimmed up the window. Your eyes widened and you held your breath. Something told you to run but you wanted to stay. You've wanted this for so long and it's finally time. You threw the comic and and rushed to the window but as you got closer his face changed. He had tears running down his cheeks and his eyes were filled with sorrow and hatred.

"Peter.." you sighed out.

You took a hold of the window handle and quickly opened it. As you let go of the handle your arms quickly wrapped around his neck as his arms wrapped around your waist tighter than ever.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me." He whispered, choking on his own words.

"I know..I'm sorry-" you were cut off by Peter. "No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I've caused you. I'm sorry for being with that woman! I'm sorry for hurting you! Please..please forgive me, Y/N.."

"Ofcourse I forgive you, Peter.." you softly spoke as his hand moved up to your cheek and cupped it while your faces got closer to each other.

He pulled you into a rough and emotional kiss, his bloody tears running slowly down his cheeks as yours flowed down like a waterfall. You deepened the kiss as his hands flowed down your thighs but you were interrupted as both Johnny and Kenny unlocked the door and opened it. You motioned people to hide quickly as you shut the window and rushed to the bed, acting like you were reading the comics Johnny gave you.

You greeted them like usual and held a small conversation with them while you went back to reading the comics and letting the two men discuss things. They kept giving you worrisome glares and whispered to each other but you could clearly hear the words. "Should we tell her..?" Johnny whispered to Kenny, receiving a hesitant nod from the short haired man.




Before the visit.

It's been months but it feels like years. I can't do this much longer. Josh has an eye for me and is always watching me so I won't steal her from the others. I know exactly where she is. I need her.

"Peter, you alright?" Josh asked as he saw me staring out the window, keeping my gaze on the moon, reminding me of her white dress that I could rip off of her body whenever I wanted to.

"Yeah..yeah I'm alright.."

"Alright man. Just so you know, I'm letting you visit Y/N but you have to be quiet as hell and not make one fucking sound or we'll both get in trouble."

My eyes widened and my gaze quickly moved to his ocean blue eyes. I gave him a tight hug and sighed out a relaxed sigh.

I told him a quick thank you and rushed to the front door, opening it with a powerful swing and running towards the small house she was in.

I would constantly see her whenever I hallucinated. No, she IS my hallucination. She would sneak around and whisper stuff in my ears. I wanted to touch her. I once even chased her shadow while Josh watched me like I was insane.

The closer I got the more I could see her figure through the window. She looked so alone. I want to dig my teeth into her.

The voices got louder every second, my finger nails digging in my palms to the point it left deep wounds.

Do anything for her. Do everything for her. Love her. Kiss her. Fuck her. Grope her. Kill her. Chase her. Lick her. Stab her. Break her. Bite her.



After the visit.


You hesitantly replied with a "yes?". Looking at both Johnny and Kenny, confused.

"Listen, we have to go hunt for more blood in the bigger cites so you'll be alone a lot. We'll be gone for...."

Kenny interrupted, saying: "About a month or more but we promise it will go by fast!"

You calmed down after they both told you. What a relief. You gave them a reassuring smile and softly asking: "That's alright. I don't mind! When are you guys going?"

"Uhh..right...now.." Johnny told, watching your eyes widen.

"But-" you got cut off by Kenny saying: "We know it's sudden but if we don't get any blood we would just die!"

You nod understandingly(?), getting up and giving them one last hug before they leave.

"We promise we'll come back, alright peachie?" Johnny whispered, giving you a genuine smile. Peachie was a nickname he had given you after he caught you eating 2 peaches at the same time.

You giggled at the nickname and nodded as they went out the door, seemingly in a rush. As you locked the door and watched them leave through the window, you took a couple of steps back and sitting on the black lonely couch.

Instead of feeling the soft texture of the black couch, you felt someone's pants underneath your legs, the jeans texture giving it away. You quickly jumped up while screaming and grabbed the black bas Kenny uses, holding it by the neck like a baseball bat as you turned around, ready to hit the unknown figure.

You chuckled out of embarrassing as you saw Peter sitting there, laughing at your sudden reaction while you carefully sat the bas down.

"Peter! What are you doing here?!"

"Just wanted to see my girl again. Is that a crime?"

"Ofcoure not! But you can't just show up like that!" You jokingly pouted, receiving a smile from him while he guided you down to sit on his lap again.

"Oh, then I'm so so sorry, missy. Now why won't you give Pete a lil kiss on the cheek as forgiveness?"

You giggled and let out a soft spoken "sure". As you were getting closer to give him a kiss on his cheek, he quickly turned his face to yours and deeply kissed you. It caught you by surprise but you weren't complaining.

He put his hand your hip, knowing exactly what he wants so you got off his lap and straddled him instead while still kissing as he put his other hand on your ass.




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