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Gore. Warning.






Your eyes widened quickly, gasping though all you heard was your own breathing.

You were standing in a black void while red stars were consuming your sight as you looked down and saw your bloody exposed figure, flowers covering up your private parts and spiked up roses in your hair.

Looking around, confused and helpless your eyes had directed you to a tall glowing white figure with big wings and long hair that ended at its ankles. The figure slowly began to walk towards you while your trembling figure took slow steps back but the glowing figure had already gotten to you. It's eyes glowing black and red at the same time.

"He won't ever love you."
"He does not need you."
"You are nothing to him."

It had a deep soothing voice that echoed through the void.

"You are nothing to society, just a fuck doll that men use to pleasure themselves. Your parents have completely forgotten about you. You are no child of father, you are a child of sin. Is that was you have found happiness in? Sinning?

Suddenly feeling very sharp objects going through your stomach, slowly looking down to see a thousand knives going through your stomach, little bits coming off as the blood dripped down your thighs.

"May god forgive you sooner or later."

The flowers on your private parts grew longer and went through your stomach and tied themselves around your torn up stomach down to your bloody thighs.

The figure gripped its hand on your chest, digging letters into your sensitive skin while the blood gushed out and splattered everywhere.

It dug a sentence into your skin.

Forgive me, Father. For I have sinned. 86. It said.

Though what you were looking at horrified you, your face was stoic as you felt blood drops slowly going down your face as the glowing figure turned a dark shade of red with its white eyes glowing black.

Just blinking once made you go through some portal.

You were now surrounded with long green grass that poked your skin. Your stomach was all healed up, leaving no scars from only a couple of seconds ago but you were still tied up with flowers on your private parts.

As you were crawling through the grass, your eyes had met with a pair of dark green eyes and black eyebrows.

"Peter!" You shouted excitedly as you hugged the tall vampire that you had longed for.

He didn't hug you back but instead he bit into your neck with his sharp fangs and pulled your spine out of your body as he bit so deep into your neck that he blocked your air ways.

Everything went red.

The red suddenly vanished into a dark blue, filled with small white dots as the wind caressed your exposed skin while the luscious vampire was in front of you once again.

This time he had a long devilish tail that slowly wrapped around your neck as you looked up at him with innocent eyes, knowing exactly what he's about to do.

His arms wrapped around your figure as he lifted your arm up and sunk his teeth roughly while his nail punctured your figure. When done sucking, he peeled your skin off as the blood dripped everywhere and with the other arm he scratched so hard that a chunk of skin and meat came off.

Suddenly, a random image of red roses with blood dripping had popped up from nowhere and then back to getting tortured by Peter.

"Gorgeous" he stated as he choked you with his long red tail until you passed out.

"Y/N!" Rang through your ears as you finally opened your real eyes and was met with his real green eyes that you loved so.

"Baby, what's wrong? You're shaking real bad.." He questioned as he got closer to your trembling body.

"Nightmare.." you mumbled, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek softly as he hugged back and lied down with you in his arms.

"It's okay, I'm here to protect my gorgeous girl.." he mumbled into your ear and kissed the top of your head.

Just a nightmare..




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