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It was raining heavily as the sounds of thunder consumed the entire mansion. It was midnight and you and Peter were cuddling on the couch until you heard a familiar knocking sound. You looked around as Peter still held his confused gaze on you.

"What's wrong, darling?" He asked, gently pushing you closer to him as you two made eye contact. "I heard a knock.." you confronted. "Well, I didn't hear anything, it might be your brain playing tricks on you." He said as he grinned and chuckled a little at his own words. You nodded as an agreement and snuggled against his chest. The sounds of thunder began fading away and the heavy rain began to become lighter. Peters arms were close to your warm figure as he gently kissed your head. "Are you tired, baby?" He asked in a soft voice as he saw your eyes slowly closing. "Just a little.." you sighed out.

Your vision slowly faded away into pure darkness. Though the sounds of his heart beating kept you awake for some minutes until you finally drifted away.

You were trapped in spiked up wires while your body was covered up with a white small dress that was stained with your dark blood. You heard your parents say strange words into your ears and the only word you could breathe out was "shut up.".

You had completely forgot about Peter. Men want nothing but sex nowadays. The words "lady" were running around in your throbbing head. Your mother always wanted you to act like a modern lady but you never succeeded and always became like the forgotten duckling in the family. The only excuse they had to drinking wine was that it was "Jesus blood" but In reality they knew they had failed in making the perfect daughter.

You never asked for any of it. You had to keep quiet and obey or else they would burn you alive. You were never good enough.

You were afraid of them.
Blood dropped down your throbbing head as the moon and sun got closer.
No tears were found.
Only bruises.
Deep cuts.


You woke up by the loud familiar knocking on your front door. Peter was nowhere near. You quickly took on your white long nightgown and made your way to the front door.

Slowly opening it, you were greeted by none other than your own parents. The ones that would cut such deep cuts into your little head and tear your heart apart by telling you such beautiful lies. "Oh mother, father!" You faked a smile and helped them with their luggage. "My dearest daughter, Y/N!" Your mother gasped out, "You've grown into such a beautiful modest lady in such little time! Oh, thank you, lord!" She exclaimed. Your father chuckled as he gave you a hug that was beyond fake. Your mother cupped your cheeks as she admired your beauty but just after some minutes they were gathered around the refrigerator pouring wine into wine glasses.

"Oh how I've missed you mother!" You exclaimed as you hugged your stupidfucking mother though she slowly pushed you away. Your drunkassholefucker father was gulping down a mix of beer and wine.

"Darling, can you carry our suitcases up to our room? Thanks hehe.." Mother asked and you obeyed. "Yes ma'am." You replied. You grabbed their suitcases and made your way up to their room.

You stopped in your tracks as you saw his tall looming figure in the hall. Peter.

"Peter..?" You whispered. But in a blink of an eye he was gone. You sighed quietly and continued with their demand. As you were leaving their room, two big hands were on your hips, holding onto you tightly so you couldn't go anywhere. You turned around to see him again. His left hand moved up to your cheek where he cupped it as you leaned your head to his hand. (??)

"Y/N!" Your mother yelled out.

His hands let go and you ran down the stairs without looking back. "Yes, mother?".
"Took you long enough- it's time for your bedtime! Good girls pray and then sleep!" She says as she played with her cross necklace. "Alright, mother. Goodnight!"
She repeated the same thing as she slowly took a hold of the wine bottle.


You ran up to your room. His figure was there again. Facing the window. Peter turned around and- faded away? That's when you felt a throbbing pain in your stomach.

You looked down as you saw a small long knife in your stomach. The hand that was holding onto the knife was- your mothers.
"You've gotten so delusional, Y/N." she whispered.

"We saw left over rose petals, God won't save you now!"

The knife dug deeper into your skin. Blood gushing out of your stomach and staining your nightgown. The knife dug up to your ribs, though you could not feel anything.

Blood gushed out of your mouth as you started to choke on the dark blood that had stained your entire mouth with one splash. Cuts were forming everywhere, on your wrists, on your throat.



"Y/N! Oh please Y/N! Thank you lord! You have revived my daughter!" You're mother exclaimed and sat up to get on her knees. You looked to your side to see your father sitting down with eyes wide open.

"What h-happened..?" You asked in a quiet voice.

"You....you fainted when you opened the door to see us." Your father explained.

oh. so it was all a dream. fuck.




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