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The black faded away as you fluttered your eyes open, starting off with a blurry vision from the sharp pain from before that still lasted but doesn't hurt as much. You slowly started to gain consciousness as thoughts ran around ur mind and asked several things at a time.

You had slept in someone's big bloody red bed that looked familiar. Way too familiar. It looked like the dungeon where you and Peter had...done certain activities. You didn't remember anything from yesterday, it was all blank. Your blurry vision started to disappear and all you saw was someone's chest. Nude. You felt a persons big arms around you body and their hair falling onto your shoulders.

Ofcourse it's Peter. Who else would it be?

And since when did your senses heighten..?

"Finally, you're awake.." the deep voiced man spoke, moving his hand to go through your hair. He slowly kissed your forehead as his hand slowly cupped your cheek, leaning in to give you a deep kiss. You accepted the kiss and felt as his tongue collide with yours. As he pulled away from your kiss, his tongue touched and rubbed against your...fangs?! He smirked at you as you spoke out: "Am I one of...you..?", receiving a nod from him. "Mhm.. Glad the process is over though, those 3 days were tough without you near me."

You rushed out of his grip and out the bed as you ran to the mirror. Looking right into the mirror, you didn't have a reflection. You were confused, too confused to the point you had to take out your confusion at something one someone but it was anger that came out instead. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME!?" you shouted as you turned around and looked at Peter, his body covered by the silky red sheets and smirking right at you with eyes half lidded.

"I turned you. That's what I did." He simply spoke, making your chills run down your spine to how calm he was. "Well...WHY?!" You questioned, still shouting as your hands turned into fists and feeling your nails dig into your palms. He sat up and brushed his hair out of his face with his hand, looking straight into your saddening eyes and spoke out: "Cause I want to be with you forever."

Silence filled the room. He calmly got out of bed and made his way infront of you, caressing your sides. You hadn't even realised that you were in nothing but dark red panties, your breast being free. "So..you turned me because you love me..?" You asked in confusion, lowering your voice. He nodded while looking down at you and slithering his hand up your back and digging his nails bone-deep into your back as he began to slither his hand back down as he cuts your back while having his other hand tightly around your waist.

"I want to be inside of you. I want to be apart of you. I want you to be mine forever. I don't want any other man to touch you."

You were trapped into his gaze, his grip tightening and his body getting closer to you. You couldn't do anything else other than nod. As you both were leaning into a kiss a sudden noise stopped you from kissing him. It came from upstairs. There were slow footsteps and a soft speaking voice that sounded like your mother.

"Are you hungry, Y/N?" Peter whispered as his grip loosened and slowly let go of you with a soft smile, eyes still half lidded as if he was high. The hunger came back to you like a snake bite filled with poison. You quickly nodded while you had put your hand on your stomach. He held your hand and guided you to the door where he slowly opened it and made a sign for you to be quiet. Slowly going up the stairs with slow steps, both of you had crouched and stared at the two figures that were looking like they were getting ready to go to church on a Sunday.

You licked your lips hungrily as you slowly made your way to the kitchen to where your mother was praying. You quickly ran behind her and dug your fangs into her neck, making your mother shriek as you sucked all of her blood out and watched her become pale. You got more energy just by sucking her metallic blood which made you giggle a little. It made you happy to see your mother finally die. Her body became limp and lifelessly fell down as you pulled your fangs out of her. You wiped the blood off of your mouth and was looking for your other victim, your "father".

Peter was nowhere found so you had to hunt your father down solo as you crept along the walls and listened carefully to where he may be by the noises he made. You waited some minutes until you heard him sigh. He was in the bedroom. You rushed to where he was and hungrily pushed the door open which made it hit against the wall. Before he could even react to the loud thud you had created, you attacked him while your fangs dug deeply into his neck which made him scream in pain. "How could he not hear your mothers shriek from downstairs? Deaf asshole" you thought. You stopped midway when sucking his blood and spit it all out. It was horrible! He was freaking out on the floor and sadly, still alive. You took the sharp axe that was displayed on the wall to "kill all the evil spirits".

You watched as you swung the axe and chopped his head off, later on chopping his limbs off just for the fun of it.

A bratty female voice spoke out behind you.
"Hey! That was supposed to be my lunch!"

You turned around to see a girl quite shorter than you with long dark red hair as her cut bangs showed her face that was covered with her rose baby pink natural blush on her cheeks with her brown pupils staring right into yours. She was wearing a black turtle neck sweater with rolled up sleeves and  a dark blue not-so-baggy pants as two hairties wrapped around her wrist. Her lashes were black and long from the amount of mascara she put on and her feet were dirty from hunting.

"Too bad, he tasted like shit." You responded while looking at her figure.

"Hmm, I can't blame you. What's your name?"

"Y/N. Yours?" You asked as you nicked at her.




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