The Merchant of the Deep Sea: Part 27

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*Ciel's POV*

We were swimming towards the museum, well the others were swimming while I was holding onto Jack's back. I kept watch to see if the twins were around just incase they try anything to prevent us from reaching our destination. But thankfully they didn't seem to be around at the moment so we were in the clear. Once we got there, I noticed two guards from the other day, and a sign, I quickly stop the others after reading the it. They were confused at first until I pointed towards the sign, as they read it their eyes widen. 

"It's closed?!"

"Are you kidding? What awful timing." Jack groans in frustration

"Well this differently brings a problem to the plan, but I'm sure we can think of something." I said, trying to reassure the four.

"Is that why the Leech brothers haven't harassed us at all today? Because they knew?" Deuce questions, which we all shrug.

"I dunno about that." Ace states

"Are we really turning tail and going back empty-handed after coming all this way?" Jack questions with a growl.

"Hold up! I've got an idea." Ace informs us

"What's your idea, Ace?" I asked as he points towards something.

"Mragh! Guess I shouldn's be surprised that merfolk society would have merfolk security guards." Grim complains as we saw two guards in front of the doors.

"I mean, duh?" Deuce states

"What did you expect Grim? This a museum with valuable items, of course there's gonna be security." I said with a sweatdrop.

"Okay. I'm gonna distract the guard. In the meantime, you guys sneak in behind him and borrow the photo." Ace explains as we look at him with concern.

"Are you sure you can handle this by yourself?" Jack asked as Ace walks towards the guards.

"You're honest to a fault, and Deuce would give himself away within minutes same for Grim. And we need Ciel to lead the operation. Don't worry. I got this. Awww, MAN! For realsies?!" Ace exclaims as the rest of us continue to hide behind the pillar.

"Hm? Is something the matter?" One of the mermen guards asked as both guards swam up to him.

"Is the museum really closed today? I can't beileve this. I was super pumped for this visit..." Ace said, looking down in sadness.

'Wow, he's doing a pretty good job at distracting.' I thought to myself

"Why, that's an odd tailfin you've got. Are you a land-dweller? Did you come all the way here by yourself?"

"Yes, sir! I've always admired merfolk society, ever since I was a kid. I scrimped and saved, got myself a magic potion, and now I've finally made it here! Duuude, a real live merman! This is SO COOL! Can I touch your fins? Can I have your autograph?!" Ace states, pretending to be in awe as the two guards were taken aback.

"U-um, sure? Would you like to see my dorsal fin, too?"

As Ace was distracting the guards in front of the doors, we waited for the right moment to sneak our way in. I didn't know that Ace could act considering he was a bad liar. I looked at the others and saw that they were taken aback by Ace's acting skills just like I was, now I can see why he offered to do so. 

"That guy can lie like nobody's business. He ain't even battin' an eye!" Grim exclaims

"You can say that again, but at least it's working." I stated as Jack nods

"The guard's totally distracted. Let's move!"

We quickly make our way inside through the doors as quietly as possible to avoid catching the guard's attention. Even though Ace had their attention, it didn't mean that there is still a chance they'll notice us. Once we were inside, we looked around the museum in awe at the scenery around us. The walls were made from purple rocks with golden pillars at the corners, the floor was stone with water surrounding at some parts of the museum, escpically around a statue of the mermaid king, Triton. There was also items and vases on some of the shelves and hallways to other parts of the building. We looked around until we found the area with photos on the walls or on shelves.

"This is the place Azul mentioned, right? Here's a photo commemorating the visit of Horatio XII, court musician... Here's one of a fourth princess... There sure are a lot of these. I can see why he said nobody would notice if we borrowed one." Jack states, looking at the photos.

"Yeah but we need the photo that Azul specifically requested." I said as I was looking at the names of each photo.

"Where's that commemorative photo of Prince Rielle from ten years ago...? Ah, here we go. This is it, right? 'A visit from Prince Rielle and his schoolmates...' Looks like a photo of an elementary school field trip." Deuce said as we all look at it, when I looked closer, I saw three familiar faces that caused my eye to widen.

'Wait... Is that?'

"There's a bunch of tiny merfolk in this pic." Grim states

"Of all the pictures here, why would he ask for this one specifically?" Jack questions.

"Who know..." I state despite having a feeling why.

"I couldn't say... But once we bring it back, I can say goodbye to this sea anemone on my head! Just grab it and let's go already." Deuce exclaims

I nodded as I reach for the photo and carefully from where it as to avoid causing any damage to it or alerting security. The others kept watch for security since we're not supposed to be in here due to it being closed. But we have to sneak in since it was the final day so we're taking a risk here. After I grabbed the photo, I waited for a bit to see if an alarm would sound but it didn't hear a sound. I sigh in relief as the others comes up to me as they were surprised by the lack of alarms.

"Huh. It's not even rigged with an alarm. I guess it really is just a commemorative photo. This is kinda underwhelming." Deuce states, feeling uneasy

"Still we need to be on guard before-" I got cut off by a shout.

"Hm? HEY! What are you doing there?!" We turn around to see two guards coming towards us.

"We get spotted..." I sigh while putting the photo into the bag

"Myah?! Uh-oh. It's a guard!" Grim exclaims.

"I don't likr this one bit, but I've got no choice. Sorry, buddy. You need to take a little nap!" Jack exclaims.

"Sorry, nothing personal." I state as I unsheathe my sword.

We got into a fighting stance as the guards charges for us while using their tridents to cast water spells to try and stop us. We dodge to attacks as we fought back while also making sure that we didn't break anything. I do not want Crowley breathing down my neck for breaking valuable items in a museum. I shake my head as we continued to fight as I used my sword to create plant slashes as Jack fought with full force, same for Deuce and Grim despite not being able to do so much damage. After a while, we managed to knock out the guards before making our way outside.

'Time for the next move!"

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